Taking Care Of Rowena (2)

The next couple of days passed by with Rowena stuck in the state of waking up, crying all day, and also refusing to eat.

Raphael never left her side at this point and tried his best to get her to eat even when she refused to do so.

He was afraid of how Rowena was letting herself go.

"I know you are hurting, but please don't let yourself rot away like this," Raphael said as he held up a spoon filled with porridge. "Your friend, Julian—"

Rowena started crying again and covered her face.  Even the mere mention of Julian rendered Rowena into a sobbing mess.  She cried so hard that there weren't even any tears at this point as she hiccuped and wept.

Raphael looked at her in frustration. Her cheeks had become gaunt and thin, alongside her body.  Her health was also failing.  Which made sense because Rowena spent a week in the Verona palace simply asleep when Julian didn't wake up.