King Draco's Demands Raphael To Marry Rowena

"The letter you sent me last night. I came as soon as I received it. You said you wished to see me," Raphael smiled. "Did you end up forgetting everything after last night?"

What letter? Rowena wanted to say the words but decided against it. Rowena immediately realized that King Draco set things up.

She tried not to make a horrified expression. Her own father did this.

While Rowena was happy to have been connected and intimate with Raphael, this was not how she wanted things to begin.

She didn't mean any of this to happen and yet she couldn't say a word.

However, she didn't even need to let out a single sound, a loud thunderous bang erupted at her door and then King Draco barged in with several knights.

"How dare you! I let you here into my abode with welcome arms and this is how you treat me and my daughter?" King Draco sounded furious, his entire face was red as he pointed at Raphael.

Rowena couldn't believe what was happening.