Please Say Yes

Raphael looked at Rowena intently. He knew she didn't mean what she said. He didn't know why, he thought he could understand her better now after they consummated their union.

It was like he could see into her broken soul and saw all the little pieces that made up her whole being. The beautiful woman standing bravely before him now, asking him to go, was just scared and embarrassed.

He had left her the last time when she asked him to go, he wouldn't do it again. He would stay with her because he loved her. After they became intimate, it felt as if half his soul had stayed with her. How could he go and leave behind his better half? There's no way!

The man took his clothes and got dressed calmly. Rowena watched him with pursed lips. She wiped her tears roughly and then looked outside the window. The sun was slowly rising in the east. A new day had begun.