Will You Tolerate Me For Eternity As Your Husband?

Rowena couldn't hear everything Raphael said because his voice was covered by her own sobs. Why...? Why?

Why was this man so devoted to her? Was this truly the way the universe made up for her unlucky life? She was taken advantage of, abused, and unloved by a man she called father, and in exchange, the universe gave her Raphael who adored her no matter what, who listened to her, and thought her happiness was paramount.

Even after everything she did, and how much he must have been embarrassed by it, his love didn't falter.

"It-it's not your fault," Rowena whispered hoarsely. "My father was evil and I just had bad luck of being born as his daughter."

She stepped back and looked at the man with gleaming eyes. "If there is a next life, even if I was born to another evil parent, as long as I can have you, I don't mind."