It's Time To Say Goodbye

Rowena didn't even realize she nodded. How could she not? After what Raphael did for her, it would be mean of her to say no. Rowena was not ungrateful.

"I do..." she whispered her response that was immediately rewarded by Raphael with a hug and sweet kiss.

"That's all I need to hear," the man said happily. He tightened his hug on Rowena after he ended their kiss. "I will brave anything if you are by my side. I only need you to say yes, and we will be together."

Rowena smiled and took the vial from Raphael's hand.

"I do," she repeated her words. Raphael watched happily as Rowena drink the potion. He was glad he followed his instinct to see her and now he finally had her back. 

Now... it was only a matter of picking up where they left off.