
Hiding The Evidence

Tina massaged her temples as her mind raced to the possibilities of what might happen if they get got. Thinking on what to do, she instinctively rocked from side to side with her arms crossed around her chest, slightly biting on her nails.

Bella was about throwing one of her tantrums when Tina held out her hand, stopping her mid way while she paused for some seconds as a thought clicked.

"I think I have an idea." She suddenly uttered, lifting her eyes to Bella and Roxy. "Follow me." She added without any explanation and hurried off.

Roxy and Bella glanced at each other with furrowed brows and shrugged as they went after Tina. They tried to find out from Tina what her plans were as they caught up with her on the corridor which served as a link to almost every block in the school but she just wouldn't say anything.

"What are you up to Tina?" Roxy questioned, trying to be a bit persistent. Just then, Tina abruptly came to a halt two steps away from a room, making Roxy bumped into her. "Why did we..." She started but paused mid way as her eyes settled on the CONTROL ROOM boldly written on the door post.

She swiftly glanced at Bella then to Tina, "Don't tell me..."

"Yes Roxy," Tina hastily snapped in. " We're going to retrieve that footage."

"But how?" Bella inquired.

"Just watch me." She replied and without another word, staggered to the door. Without hesitation, Bella and Roxy trod after her though it was boldly inscripted on the door 'OUT OF BOND FOR STUDENTS.'

With a calm aura, Tina gently tapped the door on nearing it.

"Come in." An hoarse voice muttered from the other side of the door.

She instinctively glanced at Bella and Roxy, titling her head in the process while she pushed the door opened beckoning them to follow.

On staggering in, the chestnut hair young man in his mid 20s deftly turned from the set of monitors he was staring at to them. His brows instinctively furrowed on setting eyes on them.

"What are you girls doing here?" He questioned with a quizzical look, his confusion evident on his face.

Mr. Duean wants to see you." Tina spoke up with a look which made it very difficult to point out whether she was lying or not.

The guard lurked sceptically at them for some a while then to the door as he stared at it expectantly for any sign of his copartner who had excused himself earlier on but there wasn't even a hint about him.

"Okay," He finally muttered. "You girls should wait here until the other guard returns but make sure you don't touch anything." He cautioned and strolled off.

The girls watched as his back faded through the door and Roxy hurried over, checking if he was really gone whiles Tina and Bella waited in anticipation for her response. When she was sure he had left, she gave them the thumps up, gesticulating that they could go ahead with what they came to do.

Without wasting another second, Tina and Bella rushed to the monitors while Roxy kept guard at the door.

She instinctively furrowed her brows, scanning through the footages until she finally got hold of the one which had them in the act. Just when she was about deleting it, Roxy waved her hand in their direction, bringing their attention to her.

"Hurry, the other guard is coming." She hinted in a near whisper.

With no time to spare, Tina quickly took out the storage device which had their footage and hastily pushed it into her bag. Leaving no trace of their act behind as they moved away from the monitors.

At that moment, the guard walked in. His brows furrowed on setting eyes on them.

"What are you girls doing here?" He questioned, sauntering over to the monitors.

"Well–" Roxy stuttered with a composed aura. "Mr Duean called for your copartner and he in turn left us in charge of the place until you return since there was no one around at that moment."

"Okay, you girls can go now." He replied as he sent his attention to the monitors and the girls shuffled out, slamming the door behind them.

Few distance away from the CONTROL ROOM, they instinctively let out a sigh of relief as they roared into laughter.

"That was so– close." Roxy admitted, "By the way, did you get it?" She questioned, just to be sure they got it.

"Of course." Tina muttered with smiles dancing merrily on her lips while she reached into her bag. "Told you to leave it up to me." She bragged, floating the drive before their eyes. "Come on, let's go." She mused, taking the lead whiles Bella and Roxy hurried after.


It had already been 30mins since Mr and Mrs Rockson went into Principal Duean's office. They hinted out the Phidelia's disappearance to him to which he had the guards together with him and the Rocksons checked all the CCTV footages in the school but found nothing.

Mr. Rockson had suggested getting the police involved but Mr. Duean just wouldn't give in, knowing well that it well drag the name of the school to the mud.

He wouldn't have the school's name tainted into the eye of the public.

"Just leave it up to us Mr. Rockson." He assured. "We promise to take care of this as soon as possible. We'll have our team work on this." He avowed.

Mr Rockson didn't buy his protests but gave him the benefit of the doubt. "Okay Mr. Duean." He muttered. "We'll leave it up to you." He affirmed, making Emma glanced quizzically at him.

"But.." Emma protested but her husband instinctively patted her hand, requesting her to calm down.

"Let's give the school the chance to take the issue up." He bargained. Emma didn't approve initially but finally give in after her husband's persistence.

"Okay," She uttered, staring at Mr. Duean. "We'll wait for your feedback." She replied and without waiting for another second, took her bag and rushed out of the office.

Martin stared briefly at the Principal and hurried after his wife.


Rowan was standing in the hallway with Isla, questioning on their search so far when he saw Tina with her gang of girls walking by. He instinctively knew something was off about them since yesterday but couldn't place a hand on what.

"Excuse me Isla." He requested, tapping her shoulder.

"Sure." She permitted and went off with Titi whiles Rowan raced.

"Tina–" He called as he closed up with them.

Bella, Tina and Roxy deftly turned to the direction of the call and noticed it was Rowan. They instinctively stopped as they waited for him.

"What's it Rowan?" Tina questioned while folding her arms as he neared them.

"I know you know something about Phidelia's disappearance Tina." He suddenly muttered out of the blue, making Tina and her friends glanced quizzically at each other.