
Playing It Safe

A rush of panic swept through Tina's face but instinctively masked it with a smugish gaze, rolling her eyes in the process while folding her arms. "And what makes you think so?" She asked as she jutted her hips, trying her best not to look obvious. "We have our differences and all that but that doesn't mean I want her to vanish? Come to think of it," She scoffed. "Isn't it obvious she might be having fun somewhere else?" Tina asserted, turning on her feet to leave as she gesticulated her friends. "Come on girls, let's go. We have a class to attend." Tina added as she gave him a scornful gaze and strolled off.

Roxy and Bella in turn, seized Rowan up and hurried after her.

"I don't even understand what he sees in her." Rowan heard Tina muttered as they turned the corner to the class.

Watching as their backs faded through the distance, he sighed. "I hope this is just my thoughts Tina?" Rowan affirmed and left off to the locker room.


Shuffling out of the school into the yard, Martin wrapped his hands over Emma's shoulders, encouraging and assuring her of his strong feeling that Phidelia will be found but Emma had her doubts.

Walking up to their car, Emma sighed, about to pull the door opened when the ring of her phone brought her to a stop. She deftly glanced at the screen and instinctively looked up Martin on noticing who the caller was.

From her gaze, Martin needed not to be told who the caller was. He could sense the fear and panic in her eyes.

"I think you should answer that." He encouraged, bating his eyes in the process. "They should also know what's going on. I bet they might be very worried."

Emma gulped down a loop of saliva as she glanced back at the phone in her hand and with shaky hands, answered it.

"Hello?" Jerome's voice hastily rushed in from the other side of the phone which was a clear evidence of how worried she had been. "Emma, I..."

"I'm so sorry Jerome." Emma snapped in, cutting Jerome off. "I'm sorry I couldn't take good care of Phidelia as promised." She continued, her voice choked with tears.

"Wh–what are you talking about Emma?" Jerome stuttered, her voice shaky with anxiety. "What's going Emma?" She asked.

Hearing those words, everything became just unbearable for Emma. Those tears she had been trying her best to hold back freely trekked down her cheeks. "It's all my fault Jerome." She sniffed, raking her hands through her hair. "It's my fault Phidelia went missing. I ...."

"Phidelia did what?" Jerome exclaimed over the phone, cutting Emma off.

"I'm sorry Jerome." Emma muttered amidst tears. "I have done my best since last night to find her but it's just useless. Jerome I..." She added but suddenly realized Jerome was unusually silent over the phone. "Hello? Jerome?" She inquired but then the line went dead.

Emma swiftly looked from her phone to her husband with a tear drenched face.

"Come here." Martin instinctively muttered while gliding over to her and pulled her in a hug while she buried her face into his chest. "It's going to be fine." He assured.


Back in Australia, Phidel and Randy stared in anticipation at Jerome as she slowly brought the phone down from her ears, standing motionless as she gaze into space.

"What's it mum? What happened?" Phidel hastily muttered.

Tears effortlessly trekked down Jerome's face as she slammed into the sofa, dropping her phone by her side. "Mum–" Phidel mumbled in panic while she rushed over to her side, settling beside her as she took her hand into hers. "Please say something." She pleaded.

"What's it dear?" Randy inquired, settling beside Jerome, leaving her inbetween Phidel and himself.

She instinctively turned to Randy at his question, wrapping her hands around his neck as she broke into tears over his shoulders.

"Phidelia has gone missen Randy." She busted. "They can't find my baby. What kind of mother am I?" She blunted.

Phidel's eyes widened as a flush of shock wept her face at this piece of information. Though she knew something had happened to her sister, she never expected something like this.

"Was it not only three days ago she was on the phone with her?" She grumbled mentally to herself. "What kind of sister are you?" A voice of guilt echoed in her mind. "How come I never saw my sister's pain? I never fought hard enough for her." The voice kept echoing, blurring out everything happening around her.

Subconsciously, she jolted up and hurried off to the door.

"Where are you going Phidel?" Randy questioned but Phidel just kept going.

He knew from that instant Phidel was out of herself. Just when she was about to pull the door open, he rushed over and held her back.

"I need to go to Phidelia Dad–" She muttered, staring blankly into Randy's eyes. "My sister needs me." She added as silent tears trekked down her cheeks.

"No dear." Randy snapped in, curbing his daughter's face as he knelt before her.

"You don't understand Dad–" She said, finally busting into tears. "We were never there when she needed us. Have you ever imagined how lonely she might have felt?" She mumbled amidst tears. There was no about of words to explain the pain in her heart. It felt like a thousand knives been pushed into her heart at a go.

Randy feeling responsible for all this instinctively pulled her into a hug, brushing his hand through her hair. "I'm sorry Phidel. I know this is all my fault too." He affirmed over her shoulders. "You need to hold yourself dear. I promise we will find her." He assured.

It took all the effort Randy had had left to get Phidel calm.

Finally being able to calm both his wife and daughter, Randy did what should have done a long time ago. He called the airport, booking the next flight to Netherlands.