
The Tenacities

Without waiting to be told, Phidel hurried to her room to pack few of her things for the journey. Jerome was no different either, she briskly hassled past Randy who was still on the phone to their room; not in the slightest way interested in what he was blabbing over the phone about as her only interest was getting their things.

Randy on the other hand, had through quiet an effort been able to attain an intermittent leave from the work place though it came with a cost.

Finally getting off the phone, he hurried to get all the necessary travelling documents they would for their trip. By then, Jerome and Phidel were all done.

"Have you called Emma that we're coming? " Jerome hastily muttered as they glided down the stairs.

"I will do that when we get into the car." He answered, stepping down the last stairs while Jerome and Phidel followed suit.

They trod into the corridor and Jerome helped Randy lock the door. To how long they were going to spend in Netherlands, they had no idea about. Turning on their feet, they hurried into the car with Phidel settling in the back while her parents went to the front. After a few seconds, they sped off, accelerating into the main streets.

Randy called Emma as he had said earlier and informed them of their departure. That was the only words uttered in the car. The rest of the ride continued in silence with Phidel staring abscent mindedly through the window while flashback of the little memories she had with her sister stormed her mind's eye.

She couldn't help it than to let those silent tears flow. "Phidel?" Randy called, noticing her dry her eyes with her hand. "Are you okay dear?" He asked, staring through the front mirror whiles Jerome turned, gazing over her seat to Phidel.

She instinctively nodded without looking at them while she sniffed back her tears, trying her best to hide it from her parents. Randy sighed, turning his concentration back to the road while Jerome stared at her for a while and turned back to her initial position. Inwardly, she felt guilty.


The morning hour lessons fast passed with Claire literary having no idea what has happened to Phidelia. She had promised to check on her last night before bed after hearing she left school earlier than usual but unfortunately, she slept early.

Moreover, she also wasn't able to pick her up from their usual spot as she had to pass by her mother's shop together with her parents before arriving in school. She had tried calling her in the morning to tell her the change in plans but didn't get through to her line so made it to school without her anyways.

Claire wittily hurried through the crowd of students who were trolling to and fro the hallway like a rush hour on the street, being on her usual routine to find Phidelia in her class.

It's being her habit every since they became friends.Just when she came to a stop at the entrance about to look through the door, she met heads on with Tina and her gang.

"Oh, see who we have here?" She addressed with a half-smile, making Claire take a step back. "The knight in shinning armor came to the princess." She added with a sarcastic tone, folding her arms in the process with a smugish gaze lingering in her eyes.

Both Roxy and Bella chuckled at the nervous expression written all over Claire's face. "Guess you haven't heard." Roxy snapped in, which made Claire's brows furrowed.

"Heard about what?" She asked.

Tina was about bad mouthing Phidelia when a familiar voice cleared the throat behind her. She instinctively rolled her eyes, knowing for sure who that was while Claire gazed over her shoulders.

"Let's go girls–" She muttered without looking back and strolled off with her arms still wrapped around herself; intentionally bumping into Claire's shoulder as she walked pass her followed by Roxy and Bella.

Claire glanced at their backs then back to Rowan. "What were they talking about?" She asked, taking a step closer to him.

"Well," He uttered with a sigh. "It's about Phidelia. She has not been seen since yesterday." He continued.

Claire's eyes flew wide opened in awe. "Wh-what are you talking about?" She stuttered.

"Just what you heard me say. Nobody knows where she went nor what has happened to her. I just hope she is fine wherever she is." He affirmed.

Claire for a while didn't believe what she had just heard. Phidelia leaving to the washroom was the last she saw of her. Claire scanned through her mind as she stood thoughtfully for a while but her mind could no longer comprehend anything as anxiety took over her.

"So where is Isla?" She hastily muttered.

"Probably in her class, library or something? " Rowan replied, not particularly sure where Isla could be. Before he could say more, Claire sped off to find Isla.

"Hey, wait! " He shouted and rushed after her.

Though Claire and Rowan found Isla, there was nothing more she could tell them than they already knew. She was also by herself worried and eager to find Phidelia but both her efforts and parents has proven futile.

Though she had been asking from her colleagues and almost all the students body, nobody seems to have seen her in since yesterday.

With nothing either of them could do, they went back to their usual school activities not with a sound mind but a disturbed one. More of a mixed feeling of uneasiness and anxiety.

The rest of school hours passed by swiftly and soon, it was closing. All the students sauntered out of the school with some taking their own paths to the bus stop whiles others got picked up by their parents or drivers. Tina, Roxy and Bella were among the few who got picked up by their drivers.

Though they knew the gravity of what they had done, neither of them showed any sign of guilt whatsoever. It felt as though they had no conscience at all but one thing was standard; they would go every length to make sure they're never caught.


It was around 5pm when both Jade and Isla got home. They trod into the house to meet both their parents at home. None of them went anywhere due to Phidelia's disappearance.

The situation at hand seemed to have a greater impact on their mother, seeing her current state.

"Good evening Dad–" They chorused to their father who was heading towards the kitchen whiles they sauntered over to their mother who sat in the sofa, looking like she had cried all day. "Good evening mum–" They said as each of them settled beside them; leaving her in between them.

She glanced at them and faked a smile. "Did you cry throughout the day?" Jade muttered with a worried gaze.

"No dear." She affirmed. "You guys should go up and change then come for your meals. You might be hungry."

"Okay." They responded with a nod, shrugging from their seats as they took their bags.

They were about taking the stairs when she called back at them. "By the way." She mumbled, making them turn to her. "Phidelia's parents and sister are coming over." She informed.

Though it came as a surprise to them, they slightly nodded their response and left to their rooms.