Chapter 7


As I was making an egg sandwiches, I noticed Caius being so quite.

"What's with you? You've been quite since you woke up. That's new. Why? Aren't you feeling well?" I asked him as he was just sitting quietly for awhile in front of me. He's not been talking and he seemed upset.

"Eomma," Mom, he uttered.

"What about her?"

"There's a poem written on the notebook she gave me on my dream last night saying, 'With or without, it's the same. Family is a blessing-or not? Complete yet feels like broken; in a mess, in chaos. I should be thankful—or not? My heart, my mind-helpless. Atmosphere; sadness, anger, pain. What can I do? It feels like everyone is drowning to the brokenness and hatred. They're hurting each other; emotionally, verbally. My heart keeps on pounding-pained. Is it better to be just apart?' Finally," he said.

"Either you have a complete family or not, happiness seems unfriendly," I said.

"Family is a blessing. The problems that every family encounters confused a person if a family is still a blessing or not. I guess, it's the answer," I continued, then took a bite of my sandwich.

"That's right," he replied.

"She told me that the reason why they separated is for my sake, that it's for the better, but it was really because of my irresponsible father. I didn't know it for she always smile in front of me. I didn't know that she'd been suffering from a deep pain. I never had a chance to know what's happening to my mother. I'm so useless!"

"Hey! Hey! Don't say that! It's never your fault, okay?" I said, stood up and walked towards him.

"Your mother raised a good man," I added as I tapped his shoulder.


"Of course," I cheered him up and pat his head.

"It's not just a dream, right?" I asked and moved back to my chair. "You actually remembered the poem in complete details, so I'm assuming that it's a lucid dreaming."

"Yeah," he nodded. "I drank 4 to 5 shot last night. I can see her in my dreams everytime I'm in the presence of alcohol."

"What?" I exclaimed which surprised him.

"W-wae?" W-why?

"Why?" I asked back. "Why did you drink last night? How dare you to drink without having me around?"

"What are you talking about? Do I need your permission—ouch!"

"Of course!" I shouted as I threw the plastic spoon at him. "I'm afraid that you might do it again! Just don't get drunk if I'm not with you, okay? Tsk!"

"Mwoya?" What's this? he asked, smiling. "Why are you being so sweet all of a sudden?"

"I'm just worried about you," I replied as I looked away.

"I'm thrilled!" he said, teasingly.

"Tsk. There was a girl last night who attempted to commit suicide and I'm afraid that you might do it again."

"Mworaguyo?" What did you say? Caius almost shouted as his eyes widened. While having our coffee this early in the morning, I told him about the girl last night.

"I just don't know what would happen if I wasn't there last night. Maybe, just maybe she's gone by now," I uttered.

"Right. She's still lucky so as me. Don't worry, I promise not to drink again without you," he mumbled as he took a bite on his egg sandwich.

"Lucky her. There's a Levi who saved her life. A living knight in shining armor," he added, looked up and spread his hands in the air, imagining such things.

"Ah, cut it! It's not a joke! You have no idea how nervous I became because of it. My heart..." I paused as I clutched my chest.

"My heart almost escaped from my body. It's really beating so hard when I was running towards her!" I bellowed.

"Oh, cool. I think I've already heard that. Wait," he said, fingers on his chin. I just looked suspiciously at him while he was in deep thoughts.

"What? What are you thinking?"

He looked at me and said, "My heart," he paused then held his chest. He crumpled his face as if he was in pain.

"You were like a prince saving his princess from danger. Oh, how sweet. My heart, my heart—ouch!"

I hit him again with a spoon on his forehead when he tried to tease me.

"Your filthy mouth! You're a gross actor! Seriously? I told you, it's not funny!"

"Wae? Aish jinjja!" Why? Oh goodness! he shouted. "Why did you have to hit me? Tsk," he complained as he rubbed his forehead.

"That's for making fun of me," I said and sipped my coffee.

"Mianhae," Sorry, he said. "I'm not making fun of you."

He looked away after. My face lit up as I sensed something on him.

"Waegoresso?" What's your problem now?

"M-mwo? W-wae? Wae?" W-what? W-why? Why? he stuttered, a reason for me to grin even more.

"Why? I'm just asking you. You're looking away. Why? Are you already in loved with me?" I asked and gave him my sweetest smile.

"Mwo?" What? he bursted out.

"Ya! Geumanhae! O jinjja!" Hey! Stop it! Oh, goodness!

I just smiled that made him cringe even more as he stood up and moved away from me.

"It's not that my smile is a kind of virus that makes you avoid me," I chuckled.

"Gross," he snorted.

"I'm handsome."

"Not at all," he said, pouting.

"Well, seriously," I uttered and glanced at him, "do you still have anything to tell me?"

"Aniyo," Nothing, he replied, wagging his head as he headed back to his chair.

"I could sense it."

"Are you a dog now?"

I made a face and glared at him. "Brat, tsk! Just tell me. Spill it so I—" he cut me off.

"Is that what you felt as well that time?"

He was serious this time. He's just looking at me straight, waiting for my answer. I looked at him as I made another egg sandwich for myself.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He was a bit hesitant, and I could see it as he played the spoon with his hand.

"Ah, forget it," he smiled, then sipped his black coffee.

"Tell me," I demanded as I stared at him.

"It's nothing! It's embarrassing too," he whispered as he avoided me.

I snorted. "There's nothing more embarrassing than telling me that you love me during your sleep talk! Oh, gross! You keep dreaming about me," I said, teasingly.

"So what?"

"Let's get married."

"Let's get—what?" he exclaimed. "Are you out of your mind?" His eyes grew bigger as I laughed hard.

"I'm just kidding. Look at your face! You're blushing!" I teased him. I almost fell from the chair laughing because of his face. It was so priceless!

"Stop it, Levi!" he glared at me, but I didn't mind him. I couldn't help myself, but to laugh. I didn't know what's gotten into me. I just found it fun teasing him today.

"Levi, stop it!" he shouted.

"W-why are you shouting?" I asked, barely laughing.

"I'm being serious yet you're teasing me."

"Whoa. Caius is mad," I said, amazed.


"Alright. I'll stop. Now, tell me."

"Nevermind," he said and stood up. He turned his back on me, then started to walk towards the living room.

"Hey, Caius!"

"I'm done, Levi."

"Hear me out first."


"Yes," I said which made him stopped from walking.

"What?" he asked without looking at me.

"Yes," I repeated.

"What do you mean, yes?"

I sighed and tried to remember the first time I saw him drunk. I put down the sandwich I was eating and said, "I was afraid that time when you told me that you wanted to end your life, but I managed to remain cool in front of you. So yes," I paused as I nodded.

"The fear I felt last night seeing a woman who wants to commit suicide is the same fear I felt when you wanted to kill yourself, too," I continued.

"My heart that time was beating so fast as well."

He remained standing, but I didn't hear any word from him after. He didn't even bother to look at me, so I called his name.


I just heard him sniffed.


"Hey, Caius!" I chuckled.

"Don't cry, you ugly gay! Hey!" I shouted as I ran towards him to give him a hug.