Then, do we have a deal?

Lucille's POV

I am very happy for her, and also happy that the marriage won't ever be happening. I would still manage the syndicate and Leslie would now have her own family, everything is going good except for one- the life I am carrying inside me. I don't know what should I do if it was born, would I let Hubert to be the father of this child, would he accept that?

"Lucille, open the door!" I stopped fixing when I heard someone is trying to break my door out of his knock. 

"What do you want?" I answered upon opening the door, I see Gildrow looks very angry and serious. 

"You let Leslie tell your father about the pregnancy?" he asked in his stern voice. 

"Of course, why would we not tell him?" I answered and put my hand on my waist. 

"You're dumb! Your father wanted to stop the merge." He said to me. 

"So? I can manage this syndicate without you." I firmly said and he just scoff.