Crystal cried for what seemed hours and for the first time in a realy long time she slept next to Forest that night. The day's that followed didn't make things easyer for Crystal, she checked on every dragon on the island and tried to make sure that there was clean water all over the island available.
Starmist and Nylla both did what they could to help Crystal, in order to make her work load a bit lighter but it still meant that Crystal had no time for them. She would care for every other dragon and gave them attention when she was tierd and Nylla was getting irritated with everyone els getting so much attetion.
Crystal looked at the letter one morning and desided to read the letter. She discovered it was from Simon who said that he was sorry for trying to desieve her and that he believed that the stones they were looking for wasn't on Golsend at all. He also revealed that the problem wasn't his father but the serounding kingdoms.
Crystal took a deep breath and desided to start looking threw the belongings the humans left behind and so the search started over the next few days. Crystal started to look trew the palace but only found a few hidden spots but non of the artifacts was hidden there. Crystal was no spending all of her time between looking and caring for the dragons. When one morning she noticed she wasn't feeling to good.
At first she thougt that she might have a cold and started taking the medisine that she knew would work but after a few days she noticed it wasn't working at all. Crystal told Nylla and Starmist that she wasn't feeling to well and that she would be resting for a few days but days passed and Crystal only got worse.
The elders and ancients got worried but no one could help her. Crystal thought she might have been poisoned and drank the antidote but soon realised it wasn't working. Her body was in pain and she continued to have a fever for almost a week. Then one morning the fever was gone but something about her was diffrent.
Crystal realised it when she looked into a lake and saw her reflection. The change wasn't in her eyes but her hair that now had blue and white highlight in between her black hair. Crystal called Starmist over and asked, "do you know why my hair chainged colour?" Crystal asked.
Starmist was shocked at first and didn't know why it happened but it was Forest that said, "Its because you are not really a human Crystal. You are part elve part fairy with very little human blood flowing in you."
Crystal shocked asked Forest, "Is this all that is going to happen to me?" Forest looked around and said, "as dragon rider queen you get many diffrent powers but not one of them comes at the same time."
Crystal knew she didn't have time to consentrate on her new powers and continued to search the island but after day's searching she still wasn't any closer, to answer her question then when she started. Crystal sorted many of the things the humans left behind out and in the palace she had a room that she called a storage area.
The storage area had shelves she was abel to make use of once again and stored many of the things she found in diffrent catagorys but try as she might she still didn't find any of the things Simon was talking about and withing a few weeks Crystal managed to have several rooms filled with things she found in and around the island.
Crystal was busy fixing the homes up when Nylla came to her one morning and asked if they could go for a flight. It was only when she was in the air that she spotted a good hiding spot and further investigation revealed Eione's the wizards home. Crystal was afraid to entre at first but once inside she saw things she never wanted to see.
She looked threw the wizards things and soon found several letters from the king and queen of Golsend demanding that he stop with his exsperiments. Crystal didn't understand untill she found several black stones and red stones. It was only then that she understoon. Eoine had found a way to create not one but several black and red stones. That is why everyone blames the kingdom of Golsend for the war.
Crystal didn't know what to do and found herself walking up and down the road almost all day long. She finally desided to ask a dragon to go and get Simon. She wrote a letter that said she found Eoine's lair. She wanted to destroy the wizars home but wasn't sure how save that would be with all the magic items and potions inside.
Crystal woke up one morning a few day's later and looked at Simon in the eyes. "You look diffrent," he said. "I got sick not long after you left my hair is what i got after i got better," Crystal said. "Nice, i think it's beautifull," Simon said.
Crystal showed Simon the wizards home and said, "I almost didn't find it but it looks like he is behind everything, this home reminds me of the war in Callion, that Starmist told me about but what i didn't exspect was the amount of black and red stones in here. It gives of a really nasty feeling and all i want is to destroy it but i dont see what you spoke about all i could think about is that may be he has it with him." Crystal said.
Simon went inside and carefully inspected everything and came to the conclusion that whatever Eione was doing it wasn't good at all. "You seem to be right ?" Simon said. Crystal walked carefully around the wizards home when she noticed two symbols on the floor. It was a picture of a white dragon and a picture of a black dragon and realised instinly what they were staning on.
"I think Eione tried to find a way to control the white and black ancient draogons. I think this home was build on top of the pillars that represented the two dragons." Crystal replyed. Simon looked at the ground and noticed the same thing but he wasn't thinking about summoning the two dragons. He was thinking of what his father said to him the morning before he left.
Crystal like being in the wizards home and went outside to sit at the fountain. Simon came to her later that day and asked, "what are you doing out here?" Crystal looked at Simon and said, "you wouldn't understand, that place it needs to be destroyed but i dont know how to do that without hurting the draogns," Crystal said.
Simon looked at Crystal confused and asked, "Your not going to use it?" Crystal looked at Simon and asked, "Why would i want to keep that wizards home, if i have my way no wizard will ever put there feet in this kingdom again."
Simon looked shocked at Crystal and asked, "wizards can be a good thing you know," Crystal shook her head and said, "I do not care what you think Simon but that home is going to be demolashed as soon as you tell me how to desroy the wizards struff," Crystal said.
Crystal went to check on all of the draogns and made sure all the animals had fresh food and water. Crystal walked back into the village and checked on the homes and stables that she managed to clean up and repair. She was busy sorting out some old books when Simon came to her.
"I see you have been busy?" he said. Crystal took him to the palce and showed him the two storage rooms that she made. The homes in the villages is empty now so you and he rest of the dragon riders have a place to stay at night. I did what i could to repair the stabels and everything is ready for you and your riders to just go and rest. "Unfortantlye i am not a cook so if you want meat or fish you neet to catch that on you own," Crystal said.
Simon looked puzzled at Crystal and said, "thank you." Crystal then told Simon that if he wanted he could take all the wizards stuff and the black diamond in the palace vault back with him to Callion.
Crystal was walking towards her home when she noticed two dragon keyholes that she didn't notice before and she quickly went to get the last two stones that she had. She placed them carefully in eatch keyhole and both formed a singel dragon that revealed a bowl that was lit instantly.
Crystal wasn't impressed with what she saw for she exspected a bigger event but she was happy that nothing went wrong. Simon came over to her and she said, "I think that might be the eternal flame that the ancient dragon's spoke of in legends." Crystal said.
"You are right young queen now all the ancient dragons knows that the dragon queen has returned for the first time in a thousand years," Thunder said. Crystal looked at Thunder and asked, "what's going to happen now?" Thunder looked towards the sky and said, "the island has been restored, the crown has been revealed," Thunder said.
Aqua came towards Crystal and said, "soon the rainbow dragon will be hear and she will deside if you are worthy of the title as dragon queen."