Chapter 36

The next few days Crystal and Prince Leon flew the new location and after exploring the area from the sky Crystal knew where she wanted to build the town. That would also be her home.

It was in the entrance of the valley, close to the see where the ships could bring their cargo. She also discovered that the land was really big and that many of the creatures would have a territory of there own.

Crystal also started to prepare for the ship's cargo to arrive and with the riders help soon all the preparations were done and she was ready to start moving the dragons.

Crystal returned to the kingdom of Golsend and started to take groups of dragons over to there new home.

The first to go was the elders who had the task to make sure that the dragon that stayed in their areas was dragons who was one of there own kind and every elder knew that they were responsible for the dragon but the ancient dragons were responsible for pillars.

On one of the last days in the kingdom, Crystal went to take the keystones and elemental stones out of the pillars.

The ancient dragons who guarded the towers were the first to go followed by the five elemental ancient dragons.

Crystal asked Drake and a few other destructive ancient dragons to help destroy the kingdom completely one evening and by morning the kingdom of Golsend would never be seen by another human ever again.

The final trip to their new home didn't feel real to Crystal yet and it took her and her team a few days to get used to the new location.

The work still was never-ending Crystal now had the task of building new pillars and so she found that the new location she picked for each pillar was better than before.

Aqua got a bigger lake and she had a natural underwater cave that was also above water.

Drake got his volcano and found it was even better than before, of course, Crystal had to warn Drake not to burn the forest down.

Sakura got a peaceful forest full of natural beauty that surrounded her pillar and Alya's pillar was in a mountain range that had a lot of wind blowing at all times. Farrum also seemed to enjoy his new home as he now could destroy as many rocks as he wanted.

As for the many creatures that followed they were all really happy to find a place to call home.

Aurora arrived within the next few weeks and chose the snow-covered mountains on the far side of the land to call her new home and as per agreement Crystal would never bother her unless there was a really good reason to do so.

The rest of the ancient dragon arrived one by one and chose hidden locations to make their homes as for the most powerful dragons among the ancient dragon's Crystal would soon learn who they were but as for now, the ancient rainbow dragon was impressed at what Crystal had achieved and done as she promised.

The new land was hidden by the pillars and with the help of a few other ancient dragons, you could only get access to the valley threw the village.

Crystal was riding Starmist one early morning checking on everything when she noticed Prince Leon standing on one of the mountain cliffs looking over the land.

"What's wrong?" Crystal asked. "I didn't think so many dragons would come here for a save place, you are really doing a good job here," Prince Leon answered.

"I couldn't have done it alone you know, but the biggest problem still remains unless we find a way to stop Eione no one will be saved,"

The prince looked at Crystal and said, "with that, you are not wrong, I have asked my father for help on the subject but even he doesn't know how to stop Eione."

"The dark dragon are a terrible bunch they appear almost anywhere and cause destroy everything in there way," Forest suddenly said giving both Prince Leon and Crystal a fright.

"What do you mean Forest?" Crystal asked. "They burn the ground where they land from green to black, nothing will grow on the land ever again, it is said that there are ways but it's really hard to heal the land that has been completely dead," Forest said.

"Just like it might be impossible to stop Eione?" Crystal asked. "I didn't say it's impossible my dear, anything can be stopped you only need to know where to look," Forest said.

"Well the elve's was given the green beryl to guard and it seems that they might know something about it, " Crystal said.

"That sounds like a good place to start and I happen to know where one of the elve kingdoms is, we can go there and ask but I warn you they don't help just anyone," Prince Leon said.

"Well it's better than nothing," Crystal said and together the two decided to travel to the elves kingdom in order to learn more about the green beryl in the hope of learning how to stop Eoine.

Crystal was bussy giving Starmist a bath and giving her a good brush, when Nylla landed close by and said, "It seems everyone has settled in well, but many are worried about the treat that Eione has created," Nylla said.

"It's understandable the war that ended in Callion took many innocent lives," Starmist said. "I wish I could reassure them that they are saved here but I know as long as Eione is alive noting I do will reassure that," Crystal stated.

"True but that's why we have to work hard to keep them save and to keep this valley save is really important," Starmist said. "Speaking of important, where are we going to live from now one Crystal, we cant camp out for the rest of our lives and almost all the nearby caves have been taken?" Nylla complained.

"Well, then I guess we have our next task then, building our selves a home and not destroy the forest in the process," Crystal stated. Crystal and her team went looking for a place to build a home and after endless of dead-ends, they finally found a location.

The cave didn't have many rooms in fact it only had one room and it was so big Crystal could only imagine how many things she could fit into the cave. "This will be our new home," Crystal said.

"That can't be there's nothing here?" Nylla complained. "Nothing yes but we can build our own home we only need to find what we need," Crystal said. "The problem is, we cant destroy the forest," Starmist said.

"No we can't but for every tree, we cut down we can plant at least two or more trees in its place besides there are plenty of ways to build a home we just have to find the most environmentally friendly way that will stand for a really long time," Crystal said.

"That sounds like a good idea but how are we going to do that, it's not like there is a lot of options around us, all I see is more trees that need to be cut down," Nylla said.

"O Nylla stops being so negative we will find a way besides there is more than one way to build a home, you can use wood or cement, the stone is also an option," Crystal told Nylla.

"I for one see nothing wrong with this cave it's more than big enough," Starmist said.

Crystal laughed at the two who started to argue about the cave they chose, "What's so funny Crystal?" Nylla asked.

"The two of you are funny, its the first time you don't agree on something and I find the topic funny," Crystal stated. Crystal and her team laughed together and went decided to look for the thing to use that could make the perfect home.

Crystal was riding Starmist when she started checking on the pillars and the ancient dragons. They all seem happy and had more than enough to eat it.

Crystal was looking for ways to build a home when she noticed Forest coming towards her.

"Morning Forest, how can I help you?" Crystal asked. "I hear you want to build a home for your self?" he asked. "Yes, the problem is I don't want to cut down trees or break rocks to build the home. I want to do it in an environment-friendly way but I can't seem to figure out how I am going to do it," Crystal said.

"What's wrong with the cave?" Forest asked. Crystal looked at Forest and said, "Nothing but a soft bed would be nice, Starmist would like straw in a stall and well Nylla has been her usual self, she is still settling in and all the camping out has made her grumpy," Crystal said.