Everybody was listening to the manager with rapt attention.

Then he asked, ' how did you go in? there is a board at the entrance which reads - DANGER!! DO NOT ENTER

Brown said, 'No... No such board is there. There is a big board of Prof. Robert '.

'Oh!... it is again a trick of the Dead Man' He said.

Then he served tea.

From there they came home directly without stopping anywhere on the way.

One of the group members was Mr Mike.

He had mistakenly brought a book with him from the professor's self.

He was, actually, reading it when they were sitting around the professor in the second encounter.

When Henry suddenly asked them to come out, he came out with the book in panic.

He knew it was wrong to take the book, but he didn't have the guts to go and return it.

So, He kept the book in his hand bag which he was carrying, hence, nobody took any notice of it.

He came to his house at about 11 p.m, took out the book and kept it on the table in his bedroom.

He was very tired, he took a shower, and had his dinner then he retired to bed....

But, he could not sleep immediately.

He turned left and right because the horrible thoughts kept coming up in his mind.

Finally, at about 1:30 a.m he fell asleep.