He has a grown up daughter , Melina, who is doing her post graduation in science. She returned home from her university at about 4 p.m, had some snacks, took a little rest and started doing her assignments.

She was studying up to 9:30pm, then was called for dinner. After taking dinner she didn't study because of tiredness for doing all her assignments today. At about 10:30pm, she went to her bed.

Meilina was in deep sleep. At about 2pm, her sleep broke. He turned her head from left to right.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on the window and saw that it was totally open. There are two doors in her room, one facing the main road which remains always bolted from inside and the second door is to go to the other room.

She found that both the doors were wide open. She could see the main road from the bed. She immediately jumped down from her bed, went to the door and bolted it from inside and also the window.

She was standing for sometime and thinking how come the doors were open. She was quite sure of closing it before retiring to bed.

She was lucky that no one from outside had entered her bedroom, so she was safe. She did not even know for how long the main door was open. Then again she went to her bed and fell asleep.

Next morning she told her father about the last light incidents.

He said, " I did not open them, maybe you did it absentmindedly my dear child."

Meilina said, " Huh...b..but father...ughhh....I can't remember, perhaps you're right "

and then she got ready and went to her university.

In the evening, as usual, she studied up to 9:30pm, had her dinner and then retired to bed at about 10:30pm after speaking to her friend for some time.