Her sleep broke at 2:30 a.m, again she jumped up and got down from the bed when she saw that the door facing the main road was again open and a shadow of human figure was clearly visible there.

She screamed and asked in a trembling voice, "W...wh...who are you? Wh..what do you want?"

When there was no response, she asked again, a bit louder than earlier, " I'm asking Who is there?"

She switched on the light there was no one there, but the door was open. Meilina hurriedly went and shut the door. Her heart was ramming inside her chest, she could feel the cold sweat on her back. After a while, she calmed down and thought ' Did I really see someone or was it just an illusion?? '

This time, She pulled a table put it against the closed door and put a big flower vase on the table. Her plan was that, if the door opened, the stand would fall down and she would wake up by the noise of its breaking.

When Meilina made the complaint to her father the next morning her father said, " How did it open ? I don't understand this....ok I'll call carpenter and seal the door."

Regarding the person standing at the door he said that, " No no, it can't be....Mel dear you were studying for a long time so probably you were dozing when you woke up from your was just your imagination my dear, don't worry. "

Mr Thompson called a carpenter and sealed the door so that it could not be opened again. In the evening, he showed to his daughter and said, " See, Now you won't have any problem "

"Oh Thank you so much father, finally I can sleep without any disturbance" she said while hugging her father.

On the third night..... she slept soundly as there was no disturbance, even though her sleep broke exactly at 2:30 am but when she saw the door remained closed, she happily went back to sleep.

She woke up at 5:45 a.m as usual. She got down from her bed and when entered her study room she was astonished to see that the floor was full of books. Notebooks, projects, assignments, were all scattered here and there.

Standing there, her eyes went over to look at the bookshelf and saw that half of the shelf was empty. She couldn't figure out as to how could the books fall on the floor.?...

The bookshelf were all tightly set up, nobody shook the shelf so how did the books fly over the floor??

She, however, kept the books back on the shelf and took it very lightly, thinking that maybe the books fell down accidentally. She did not say anything to her father and went to her university as usual.