On the fourth night she went to her bed as usual. But at 3 am. there was a very loud sound in her study room that broke her sleep abruptly. She got up in a panic and switched on the light.

Meanwhile, her parents also came running to see what had happened. They found that the big metallic bookshelf which was stocked with books, various decorative items and art pieces of glass and China clay crashed on the floor, broke into pieces and strewn all over the floor.

Mr.Thompson asked how it fell down...Meilina who was stunned to see said, I don't know father, It was so sudden"

" I....I.. I don't understand how these things have been happening for the last four days,'s really strange" Meilina said. Her voice was shaking.

"Is there any ghost in this room?" the moment Meilina mentioned 'ghost', it struck the mind of her father that he had kept a ghost book on the shelf.

He said, "You are right, it never occurred to me, I am sorry my child." This time it was Mr.Thompson who was scared.

Meilina looked at her father and was confused, "What are you saying father?"

"I will show you later, first of all let's clean this mess" saying this he called the servant and asked him to clean the room.

Meilena helped her father and the servant to lift up the metallic bookshelf, they started arranging the books and the servant started cleaning the mess scattered on the floor.

While they were arranging the books, Mr.Thompson saw the ghost book still lying on the floor. He picked it up and went to his room. What he didn't notice was that when the book was lying open and Meilina was helping the servant picking up the broken glass pieces, and that time she hurt her fingers and few drops of blood fell on the cover of the book. It fell right on the photo of Prof. Robert.

In the room, he was thinking about incidents. Thompson did not mention about the book to his family, and kept them in dark.

Meilina always saw her father collecting all kinds of books, she knew he loved reading them, but she didn't like the over stocking of the shelf with so many books. So, to avoid her nagging he didn't mention about the book to his daughter, which he later on regretted.

He took the book with him and went to his friend Mr.David's house. Mr. David was very happy to see him after a very long time, both shook hands and chatted for sometime while taking tea with some snacks.

Thompson said, " I have brought a book for you, you should read it. It's a good book. "

Mr. David said, " Alright, just keep it here, I'll read it later."