Mr. Thompson returned home. He actually wanted to see whether the book creates any havoc in David's house or not, then it can be proved that the incidents that happened in his house were caused by the book.

Mr Thompson is an engineer, therefore, he was not inclined to believe in the mystery of ghost.

Next day, he got a bad news from Mr David's house that his only son, who is 15 years old, had fallen down from the steps and was seriously injured. He was now hospitalized.

On the same day, at Mr. Thompson's house Meilina got a phone call at 3:30 am on her phone.

She received the phone, and on the other side of the call she heard a gentleman speaking courteously, "Good morning madam I am Professor Robert speaking "

She said, " Sorry I think it's a wrong number " and disconnected the phone.

Mr. Thompson was very sad hearing the news of David's son's accident, because now he was pretty sure that it was caused by the book. He was full of guilt and felt that he should go and see the boy immediately.

Meilina was reading something on her phone, when looked at her father who was in a daze. She came over and asked him, " Father, you know I got a blank call last night from some one named Professor Robert. Do you know of any one with that name? "

He flinched hearing the name of ' Professor Robert '.

Meilina saw her father's reaction to the name ' Professor Robert '. She immediately understood there's something fishy about the name.

She asked, " What's wrong father, Is something the matter? "

Thompson nervously said, " N...nothing dear. Nothing happened..."

Mr. Thompson, however, couldn't go to the hospital to see David's injured son because he had to take his wife to the hospital as she suddenly fell ill. So, he decided to go the next day.