Next day in the morning, Thompsan got a call from David. He informed him that the previous night, one of the front rooms in his house mysteriously caught fire. The room got burnt badly, however, thankfully nobody was injured. They quickly put down the fire with the help of a fire extinguisher.

Hearing this Thompson was shocked. After experiencing, two straight incidents, David was really worried and scared. He wasn't able to understand, why such incidents were suddenly happening in his house.

The same night, Meilina got a call again at 3am from the same Professor Robert.

She picked up the call, there was a long silence at first....

Nobody spoke from either side....

When Meilina couldn't take it anymore, she broke the silence and spoke, " Look I don't know, Who you are? What do you want from me ??"

" Hee....Oh You do know me Miss Meilina. After all I was with for 4 days." said the man on the other side.

" W....What....what do you mean, you were with me?? There's no way in hell I knew anyone named ' Prof. Robert' staying with me....Is this some kind of Joke...How absurd.." Meilina yelled and switched off her phone.

Meilina thought to herself, ' This is not the time to stress on this call, I have to ask father about him, who is he?? And what does he want from us?. She decided she will talk to her father in the morning.

Meilina noticed her father who was always a calm person was now nervous, his face was covered with sweat.

" Father, What's wrong ? Why are you sweating so much? Are you ok? " Meilina was scared seeing her father's condition.

" Here, drink some water father " she handed a glass of water. When he took the glass from her hand, that's when she observed, his hands were badly shaking.

After her father drank water, she again asked, " Father, what happened, please tell me.. "

Mr Thompson was still sitting with his head down and said in a low voice, " I..I.. I don't know what to say Meilina, it's all my fault, that these things happened. "

Meilina listening to her father's words started to feel jittery. She squatted down and asked her father to relax and tell her everything.