Thompson then started to explain hesitantly. " Actually, I hid something from you all which now I'm regretting. Recently, I got a book from Bill. It was an old book."

Meilina said, " Bill? Book? Father, by Bill you mean to say our servant Mr. Bill ? And what kind of book is it ? How are these things related to a mere book?

I'm not able to understand, what do mean by that, you're scaring me father.. "

Thompson grabbed his daughter's hands and looked right into her eyes and said, " Meilina i know these words which I'm saying are confusing and trust me when I say, I was too.

At first I thought it was nothing but my inner self had always been telling me the real reason behind these incidents, but I just ignored it. Because I thought these things never exist or happen in modern world.

But I was wrong I.. I was so wrong! I knew the reason somewhere in my heart, but didn't tell you all anything and now I'm feeling so helpless "

Meilina then looked at her father and asked, " Father please tell me the reason "

Thompson inhaled and exhaled and said, " Meilina, the book which I got from Bill was a ghost's was written by Prof. Robert, who is already dead !! "

" Where is the book father ??" Meilina asked.

" It's in David's house, I had given to read it." Thompson said sadly.

" Whattt!! you mean all the accidents in their house were also because of the book...How could you do this father! If you knew the real reason behind these incidents then why did you give him the book?"

"I..I.. I know, I am at fault for doing such an selfish act Meilina. I just wanted to confirm a few things...but who knew these things would happen..."

Meilina's face went pale, she felt her knees weak and her body stiffened.

" B..b..but how can it be?? If he's dead then how could I get a call from him last night?!! I heard him so clear..How can a dead man call father ??"

" Meilina just listen to me dear, I know these sounds really scary and confusing and it was for me too.

At first it was all like a puzzle to me, but when I heard about the accidents at David's house, i started analyzing the incidents one by one with the real reason, all the pieces started to join and it became clear now."

Meilina kept silent but then suddenly asked, " Wait a minute, father if the book is now at Mr. David's house and if these things are happening because of the book, then why did I get the call from Prof.Robert??"

Thompson thought for a while then said, " I don't know about that Meilina. All I knew was that, all the incidents were happening because of the book, but even I'm confused as to why did you get the call last night...just give me some time Meilina, I promise I'll solve everything. "

Meilina nodded and went back to her room.