Chapter 2#

Alex loves his mother very much. He respects and listens to her advice. He is always unquestionably obedient to her.

One day he returned from his college. Usually, after teasing and making his sister cry and giving her the favourite chocolate, he came to his room.

At about 8:00 p.m, he started his studies, then his mother called him for dinner so he went to the hall.

The family has a tradition of having dinner all together. Even if Mr. Marcus comes late from office or Alex is not available, his mother waits. Nobody takes food alone.

Alex had his dinner, then while getting up he pulled his sister's ear lovingly, said goodnight to his family and returned to his room to concentrate on his studies.

He, generally, studies up to 12:30 am. After studying for two to three hours, he decided to relax for sometime. So, he was lying on the bed, resting his head on a cosy pillow.

It was about 12 am, everybody was sleeping in their room. Alex was looking at the front wall of his room , and thinking about something that his teacher had explained in the class which he could not understand very well.

Suddenly, he noticed that the colour of the wall started changing and was taking a particular shape. This naturally surprised him, he immediately sat up and was staring at the wall.

Finally, it took the shape of a devil !!!

The light of the room suddenly went off, but there was a glow in the wall which projected the shape very clearly.

The devil said, " Alex I will tell you to do something from now on, regularly, and you are bound to do it."

Alex asked, " And What if I don't do it ?? "

The devil gave evil grin and said, " You will have a very violent death. Now you decide..well, you don't have a choice."

As long as the image was there on the wall, Alex lost his sense and he had to agree to his command.

He was totally unconscious of the books lying before him , or even of his family members. It was like his mind, body and soul were controlled by the devil. He was totally hypnotized.

Alex nodded and asked what he has to do. The devil said , " That you will know tomorrow, don't mention it to anybody or else you will be in a big trouble. " saying this the image faded slowly from the wall.

The lights were back, Alex regained his senses .

As soon as, he regained his senses, he was unable to understand what had happened, it was like his mind was completely blank. When the devil appeared, Alex lost his senses, as if it was being controlled by the devil. But after it disappeared, his mind became again normal, as if nothing had ever happened. He couldn't recollect anything that had happened a while ago.

Alex, as usual, concentrated on his studies and at about 12:30 am. he slept and soon was in deep sleep. There was no further disturbance that night.