Chapter 3#

Next day, Alex woke up, as usual, had his breakfast and went to his college. He could not recall what had happened last night, even for a fleeting moment.

He had fun with his friends at the cafe, flirted with the girls in there, and then returned home at about 4:30 pm.

In the evening, he concentrated on his studies. Exactly, at about 2:30 am again, the colour of the wall started changing and shaping into a face of the devil. Immediately, Alex lost his mind and forgot about his studies, his books, which were lying in front of him.

The devil spoke up, " Well, Alex I hope you are ready to carry out my order today. You have to kill a couple. Go ahead, I'll guide you there."

Alex got up and as if walking in a trance, he went towards a house, which was just behind the metro cinema hall. It was a small building and the colour of the house was ash .

Alex had to kill a couple here, who lived in this building. The house consisted of a single bedroom with an attached bathroom, a medium sized front hall, a small verandah.

But Alex didn't enter, as if he was waiting for something.....

As soon as, the clock struck 2 am, Alex's body transformed into a gigantic evil monster. His nails grew large sharp like razor, they were big and black, his eyes turned blood red, as if it wanted to drink blood. His muscles grew strong, veins popped up.

His strength was enough to tear apart any person into pieces. His strength was like a large hungry beast ready to create a massacre.

Now, Alex stepped in, the gate automatically got opened and then he walked towards the main door. The door was actually locked, but as soon as, Alex touched the knob, it clicked open.

The husband and wife were both sleeping side by side and the husband was holding his wife with his right arm. The husband could feel the presence of someone, so he tried to open his eyes slowly.

His sleepy eyes were shocked to see something large coming towards them, but before he could sit or react in any way, the large beast charged towards them and pressed his two large palms on both the necks of the couple.

The man tried to struggle desperately, but his voice couldn't come out. He saw his wife, looking horrified and tears were rolling from her eyes. She reached her husband's hand for the last time with all her strength.

But before he could say anything, he noticed she stopped struggling. After a few minutes, of struggle, the man was also killed.