Chapter 15 #

Many days passed, but there was no sign of the killer. Edward even kept an eye on Alex in the morning, he followed him, everywhere he went, but he found nothing weird or bad about him.

Infact, he observed, Alex loved and cared for everyone. He was just a cheerful boy like any other youth in his age.

Edward was confused and so were the police, they thought they might have made some mistakes in the investigation. But Edward, was sure that, the murders were somehow related to Alex. So, he told them to be patient and watch for a few more nights.

After complete 2 weeks of struggle, their efforts finally clicked. Exactly at 1:55pm, they saw the front door opening and Alex came out. He was standing there, as if waiting for something.

To their horror, they saw the scene, where Alex turned into a gigantic beast. Edward immediately, beckoned to the officers to catch him alive. Seven stout police officers quickly pounced on him with a iron net, and plunged a sedative on his thigh. After struggling violently to free himself, the beast fell unconscious.

Alex's family and the neighbors came out of their houses, when they heard a loud howling of a beast. They saw the police caught a ferocious beast, who seemed to be unconscious in the iron net. After a couple of minutes, they saw the beast slowly turning back to a normal person.

When every body saw the normal figure, there was series of gasp and whisper. Everyone was astonished to see that, it was none but Alex.

As soon as the beast was caught at the gate, Edward ran into the house and entered Alex's room and saw the horrifying scene of a devil on the wall. It looked like it was about to disappear, so Edward took the snap of the fading image of the devil on the wall on his mobile.

Edward came out of the room, told the officers, " Good job, everyone. I think we have finally solved the serial killing case."

The police officers and the people were relieved and rejoiced at the news. Everyone was happy except Alex's family. They couldn't understand, anything, what they saw and heard.

Edward showed the image to everybody. It was the image of a fearsome devil on a wall.

He then explained to everyone including Alex's family who were in panic - stricken. He said that the devil on the wall was the one who possessed Alex's body and he made him do all the killings.