Chapter 16 #

Edward took the unconscious Alex with him to the headquarters to investigate further. Edward wanted to how Alex came in contact with such a devil.

Alex regained his senses, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling and a room, he tried to sit up because his body was aching all over, but to his surprise, he saw his hands and legs tied with a strong rope.

He looked around the room, he thought ' Huh, what am I doing here? Where is this place ? I remember that I was studying in my room and then I suddenly started to feel dizzy....'

Just then, Edward entered the room. He saw Alex woke up, so he went over to him. Alex saw Edawrd, he remembered he was the detective who had come to his house recently to see the strange footprints in his house.

Alex said in a slow voice, " Um..S..s..sir ...w...where am i ? "

Edward said, " Hello Alex, you do remember me, don't you? "

Alex nodded and said, " Y..yes, you had come to our house a few days back."

Edward said, " Yes, do you know, why are you here, Alex? "

Alex vigorously shook his head, tears were appearing in his eyes, he was feeling scared and uncomfortable.

Edward saw his face and he called an officer to untangle the ropes. The officer was hesitant at first, so Edward gave small nod, and officers opened them.

Edward applied some ointment on Alex's wrists and legs and gave him a glass of water. Alex drank and sat quietly.

Then Edward said, " Can you tell what were you doing last night."

Alex nodded and told him that he was studying in his room and then suddenly felt sleepy.

Edward said, ", I was right, you don't remember anything. And it all started when you suddenly felt dizzy."

Alex said, " S..sir, w...what do you mean ? What started ? "

Edward felt bad for Alex, as he knew, this boy was innocent. But he has to know the truth, no matter how scary it was. So, he cleared his throat and said, " Alex, what I'm about to say, might scare and disturb you, but you still need to keep yourself calm, alright ??"

Alex was surprised to hear this, but then he still nodded his head.

Edward then said, " Alex, you are here because you have killed five people in the last 2 months and also for an attempted murder."

Alex's body stiffened, his eyes were fixed on Edward's face as if to see maybe he was wrong, but his heart dropped to see that the detective was serious.

Alex started saying in a panic, " B...bbb..but sir, is this possible!! I..I don't remember k...killing anyone..I.. I was always studying in room or was sleeping, when these murders happened. can you be sure? T..t..there has to be some m..misunderstandings..I.. I didn't..I.. ii.."

Alex started crying bitterly and Edward patted his shoulder to calm him down. After a while, he told Alex everything. Alex listened everything with an ashen - faced. He couldn't believe what he heard.

When Edward came out of the room, he saw Alex's father standing.