Chapter 18 #

Everyone was shocked to see the horrifying sight. Some screamed, some let out loud gasps and others started to whisper.

The forensic team came over and took the skeleton remains to the lab. Edward asked the stunned Marcus about the details of the house.

" Mr. Marcus, Can you tell me, who was the person who had constructed?? If you have, please give his number and address."

Mr Marcus went to his bedroom and found out the number and address, he give it to him.

Edward then gave it to an officer and sent him to bring the contractor, immediately, he left with some constables.

They came back after half an hour with the man.

The contractor was a middle aged man, he was short, slightly overweight. He looked pretty nervous, when came with the officers.

Edward shook hands with him and introduced himself as the detective of the serial killing case.

Edward got straight to the point, " Mr. Brown, you had built this house two years ago, right."

Brown replied, " Yes sir. But is there any problem, with the house ? "

Edward said, " We found a human skeleton from here. It was hidden under the foundation of the room which we had demolished. What do you have to say regarding this? "

The contractor flinched on hearing they found a skeleton, but quickly composed himself.

He quickly said, " Dear God, how can that be? I never knew about this."

Edward didn't say anything and said, " Is that so? Then, alright. Thank you for coming here, we might need you for your help in the future, so I hope you will be available, anytime we call right."

As Edward said this, he tightly shook his hands with the contractor, who gulped on hearing this. He knew what the detective meant by those words, it was a clear warning that he cannot or shouldn't try to escape.

After a few days of investigation, the forensic reports were out. It revealed that the dead person was around 34 when he died and he had been murdered. The reports showed the cracks on his skull, was the reason of his death, and also that the skeleton was buried two years ago.

Edward immediately took out the files of the missing people who had gone missing two years ago. After an hour of extensive search, he found some people who had gone missing, two years ago. And finally, he saw 5 missing people, who were around the same age of the dead person.