Chapter 19 #

Edward contacted each of the victim's family, finally, one family told something interesting, which made him smile brightly.

In a few hours, Brown was again brought, but this time, he was dragged to the police station directly. Edward entered the room with a serious face along with two well- built officers.

Brown gulped nervously, he wiped his face with his kerchief, and said, " S...s..sir, Why am I brought here again?? "

Edward sat on a chair, in front of Brown, he said, " Oh, you don't know why you were brought here."

Brown shook his head and said, ", did I do anything? "

Edward raised an eyebrow and said, " About that, I think it's best if you can tell us, what you had done, right!?"

Brown began to sweat badly, he kept wiping them.

Edward said with a stern voice, " Mr. Brown, who was Mr. Harold..."

Brown flinched when he heard the name, he bit fingernails nervously. He said, " I...I don't know. W..what you mean s..sir?"

At that time, Edward showed him some old photos, which made Brown shiver in fear. His whole body got stiffened.

He looked at the photos with wide eyes. There were the photos of him and Harold, when they had worked together in a construction site, two years ago.

Edward said, " Will you still say, that you don't know him??"

Brown remained silent for a while and then said in a low voice, " Y..yes I knew him. We used to work together in some constructing sites. Harold was a supervisor in my company."

Edward said, " Then, why did you deny earlier that you didn't know him?"

Brown said, " B..because I was a..afraid."

Edward asked, " Afraid of what?"

Brown said, " A..afraid that I.. I would be caught..."

Edward nodded at officer, who was ready with the recording tape.

He asked, " Why would you think, you would get caught?? Did you know the reason why Harold went missing, two years ago?"

Brown said, " Y..yes I know."

Edward said, " Then, please tell us, what had happened 2 years ago, in that construction site."