Chapter 20 #

Edward said, " Then, please tell us, what had happened 2 years ago, in that construction site."

Brown started to confess, " Harold was very honest and hardworking person. But he often got into fights with the labourers, who were not working properly in my absence or left the worksite early. He always used to complain against them, because of them our work used to get delayed.

So, I used to take action against them, who were not sincere with their work, therefore, his opponents ganged up against him and made a complaint to me, one day. Even I started to feel irritated with his constant complaints, because many labourers left the job, due to his strict and complaining nature. We often got into serious arguments.

One evening, I heard from the labourers that he had suddenly gone to his house, without informing me. And he was not back for two hours.

This infuriated me. I was burning in anger because he dared not inform me before going. I felt as if i was nothing to him, as a boss I felt extremely insulted. So, I deducted one day's payment from his monthly wage.

That made him go wild in anger, he started shouting and began arguing with me. That made me very enraged.

I was awfully vexed with him, I told my labourers to teach him a lesson. I told them just to beat him, enough to show him his worth and how to behave, in front of the boss.

When I returned, I saw that his body was lying dead, I was shocked to see his bleeding body. I started to shout at them and asked them why did they kill him.

They told me that they were just beating him, but things got out of hand, when Harold started to fight back and started to use abusive language, which made they go crazy. Then one of them, struck with a rod on his head hardly, and he fell dead from the blow.

Harold was already dead, it would be no use if I had taken him to the hospital, I would have been caught for killing him, when I didn't.

So, I instructed them to put the body in a box and bury it deep in the site. We finished the foundation and started to construct the walls of the room."

Then he looked up and continued, " B..but I didn't want to kill him, I just told them to beat him, just to teach him a lesson. I never wanted to kill, please trust me. It wasn't my fault. "

Edward who had been listening to the whole story said, " You didn't mean to kill him, but you told your labourers to teach him a lesson. Those labourers, who were already furious and burning with hatred for him. You pushed an innocent man to a pack of hungry wolves, whose hearts were full of malice and blood of venom. Do you know, you have so many peoples blood in your hands."

With that he walked out of the room with a cold look and the police immediately arrested the contractor. Edward explained everything to the chief, and also that the victims who were killed by Alex, were involved in the murder of Harold.

The chief said, ", the spirit was of none other than Harold's "

Edward said, " Yes sir. He possessed Alex's body for taking his revenge. "

The chief officer said, " that Alex is innocent, as he was possessed, he was not conscious of the murders. I hope the judge decides well. Let's leave it to the court now."

The court was filled with people for the hearing of the serial killing case. Alex and Brown were brought into the courtroom, they both bowed to the judge.

After hearing the whole case, the judge decided to release Alex, as he was innocent. And he sentenced Brown to death, for the murder of Harold.

The next day, the news were out, narrating the whole story, it also showed that the victims who were killed in the serial killing case were the murderers of the person named Harold. And Alex had been possessed by the very spirit of Harold whose body was buried down the Alex's room.

Everybody including Alex's family thanked and praised Edward for cracking the case so dedicatedly.

♤♧" THE END "♧♤