CH - 5

Hannah asked, " Any thing wrong, I was knocking for 15 to 20 minutes, were you sleeping ? ".

Claire took her into the room and said , " I lost my sense, Hannah ". Hannah asked surprisingly, " Huh, what..but why ? How ? "

Then Claire narrated every thing in details to her.

Hannah changed her dress, sat by her side and said, "Don't take it seriously, it cannot happen, nobody can vanish into the air, you are worried and tense with your interview, and it is your first interview, naturally you are scared, what you saw was your hallucination, it was not real, so relax, let's have some food and sleep for sometime, you will feel fine."

Both of them had lunch, went to bed, and slept till 4.30pm. Hannah prepared coffee and both had it, then their mother returned.

David also didn't come for lunch because he was invited by his friend for lunch. So, both had a sound sleep. Claire was really feeling fine after a sound sleep and having a cup of fine coffee..

Claire avoided raking up the issue with her mother, she remained silent, but the incident remained fresh in her memory and was raising lots of questions which had no answer , and so she could not accept it as hallucination.

Claire attended her scheduled interview and she was satisfied with her performance. So, she was naturally very happy.

Hannah's exam was also approaching. It was just after 5 to 6 months.

Claire got a call from the company where she had faced the interview after about 20 days. She went there and was informed that she was selected and returned with an appointment letter.

She was given just 4 days to join. Every body in the family was very happy. Claire got her first salary the next month.

Next day, was a holiday and the family arranged a party and also invited one of their close friends with their friends.

They prepared some delicious foodies, enjoyed a lot and had dinner at about 9:30pm. Mr David also didn't go to his shop in the evening. All their friends left at about 10pm in their car. Mr.David's family retired to bed at 1130pm.

Every body was very tired, hence, was fast asleep.

At about 2am, there was a sudden commotion in the left side passage of their room. It broke every body's sleep.

They heard a sound as if some body was being dragged forcefully, and it seemed like, it was of a young girl, who was screaming loudly and pleading " Don't kill me please, have mercy on me " and then after they heard a big sound of splash, as if somebody had thrown the girl into a well!!!."

The screaming stopped immediately. Next they heard the footsteps of some body going away from there.

Mr.David left the bed, opened the door, switched on the lights and came out to see what was the matter, but no one was present there and there was no sign of any incident.

He came in and told his wife, " What was that sound, strange, How can there be a splashing sound of water when there is no water source here ? And who was the girl screaming ? "

The girls didn't come out because they were very afraid.

After he returned to the room, he seemed very worried and said, " I am sure this is the act of an evil spirit, I think something is wrong in this house, don't worry, if I see any further incidents here, I will try to solve it or leave this house."

He then continued, "Claire was right, Hannah told me that she had seen the girl disappearing before her, is an act of the same spirit."

He turned to Claire and said, "I scolded you as the lights, fans and gas stove were on, now I understand, you were not at fault, the same spirit was at work, any way it is not harming us, I will be taking steps very soon." He then told every body to go to bed.

For about one month nothing happened. Every thing was normal.