CH - 6

After one month, the Gilbert family heard the mysterious dragging sounds and the screams of a young girl being thrown into the well with splash again.

Again, David went out at night but could not see any one out.

The next day, when David was sitting in his room of his shop, he kept thinking about the strange sounds. He called his close friend, Harrison aka Harry, who was a police officer and shared everything with him but not in detail.

Harry told him, that he would visit his house the next day.

When Harry arrived the next day at his house, the family welcomed him warmly. He was loved by the Gilbert daughters very much. David gave him a big hug and thanked him for making out some time for him from his busy schedule. He then, told him everything in detail.

Harry also felt strange, because when he came he never saw any well near David's house, but he didn't dare to joke about the matter as an illusion by looking at the scared faces of the family.

He said that he was unable to file any FIR or take any action because no human being was involved here. So, he told David to call Mr. Marcus and inquire about the previous owner of the land.

David called up Mr. Marcus and told him everything that he had been facing for some time and said that every body was very scared in his family.

Even Marcus was surprised to hear this from David, but based on his previous experiences he believed him, so, he wanted to help the family.

David inquired about the previous owner of this land, so he requested him to give him the contact details and any photos of the man, who had sold the land to him.

When David received the number, he immediately went to Harry's house the next day. He also showed him the photo of the land owner. Harry stared at the picture for a min. then returned it. Harry advised David to stay alert and inform him if any other unknown or strange thing occurs. David nodded and after talking for a while left the house.

After a couple of days, when the Gilbert family heard no more strange sounds they thought it was over. But after 5 to 6 days, when they were sleeping at night. At about 2am, suddenly, they heard the dragging sound and screaming of the girl again. This time, David promptly woke up and so did his two daughters who also came running out of their rooms and followed their father.

But to their utter disappointment, they again saw nothing. Frustratingly they stomped their feet into the grass and were about to return to the house, when Claire told them to stop.

She looked at her father and said, " Dad, look the girl is standing there.."

As soon as, Claire pointed to them, they both looked at the direction where the strange girl was standing. She stood there looking down at the ground for a while,then vanished all of a sudden like a thin air infront of their very eyes.

David ran to look around but as it was dark, so it was not possible to see anything, hence, they came inside their house and retired to bed exhausted.