CH - 2

After about one and half years I was sent to a place, about 1200 kms from my place. The moment I got the order, I recollected that one of my old friends lives there, of course, I have no connection with him for many years . Once upon a time we were very close, then he changed the job, since then I am not in touch with him.

I searched for his number in my old diary and got it. I called him up and he responded me positively. I said that I am visiting his place within a couple of days, he welcomed me warmly.

After getting my ticket I informed him the date of my arrival, he said his address, and that he would be available at home. I reached there by bus, I knew that his house was about 4 to 5 kms or a little more from the bus stand.

After reaching the bus stand I took a cab and reached his house at about 9.30 pm. His place was totally dark, but I could reach without any difficulty. He himself opened the door, and he welcomed me cordially, he smiled and said that he was seeing me after nearly 14 or 15 years.

He said that his wife had gone to her house, he took me to the wash room. He said." it is already 10.20 pm, you must be very hungry and tired after a long journey, so, first have dinner, and go to bed. I have to go to my wife's place now, I will come back tomorrow morning and sit with you and talk for some time."

I said ." OK, that will be right, and asked" How far is his wife's house? " He said," Not very far." He said ," you take the dinner, I will have it there, then you go to the bed, every thing is arranged, you will have no problem." He said good night and left the house, I shut and bolted the door.

I was also very hungry , so first I had dinner then I took out my mini laptop, sent some urgent messages to my office , switched off the light, and threw myself on the bed as I was dog tired after the journey, and soon slept off.

I was aroused from my sleep by a sound, I felt some body was walking in the room, I was hearing the sound clearly. I got confused , took my mobile and switched on the light and focused it in the direction from where the sound was coming, to my surprise, I found that a beautiful young lady was standing a little far away from me. I shouted,"Who is there, please come here." I then got down the bed and switched on the light, but there was no one there.

I was surprised very much , sat and thought for a moment, but I was feeling very sleepy so I fell asleep once again.

It was about 3.30am I woke up by by a big sound. I heard some one fell down from the first floor with a big thud sound. I switched on the torch again and saw that the same lady, whom I had seen some time ago had fallen down, and she was bleeding profusely.

I got down and reached the place and saw that a lady, most probably the mother of my friend ,was standing on the first floor and was looking down at the body lying down. It appeared that the woman was not alive. I switched on the light hurriedly, but I could not see any one in the room.

It became very clear to me that the woman I had found moving earlier had actually fallen down and it was no human being but a spirit. I got scared, therefore. I decided to avoid the darkness and switched on the light and sat on the bed.

It was 4 am then. When I was sitting on my bed suddenly, the current went off, I was really very frightened, I jumped down from the bed and opened the door, took my bag , lap top etc and kept standing at the door.

When the day became a little bright, I checked the steps of the first floor, I found it was full of dust, it was obvious that for the last 6 months no body has used it.

when I was standing out and it was about 6.30am I saw a man standing infront of my door. He looked at me in surprise and said," What are you doing in this house." I said, "It is my first visit here, I was here yesterday and stayed one night."

He gapped at me for some time and said," My GOd you stayed one night here. "Don't you know that it is a hunted house. Lucky that you are still alive."

He told me." First you come out of the house, and stand ?on the road, I will tell you every thing." I did as he said, and to my surprise I found that the doors automatically closed and were also locked. Even while I Came out of the house I noticed that that there were no furniture in the room except my bed and a few wooden chairs but when I entered last night, I found that the room was well furnished.

The said." See,the house remains closed like this always." I asked him "How did it become a hunted house"? He said that my friend got married, but his wife did not have a good relation with her mother in law- they used to fight almost every day, once she pushed her down the first floor and she died. She then hanged herself on the upper floor.

He said that my friend was extremely depressed after loosing his wife, he also committed suicide after some time. All these things happened just one year ago.

But I told him. " I met my friend yesterday, he offered me food, he answered my call, what are all these.? He said ."ghosts can do any thing." He asked me to leave the place immediately.

I left the house and came out of the gate and started walking. I decided to shift to a hotel because I have to stay here just one day, But I saw my friend coming towards me hurriedly. He came to me and asked me to follow him to his house, I did not listen to him, and continued walking. From a distance I looked back at him and saw him staring at me. I thought it best to avoid him and left the place.