I never believed in ghost or paranormal activities. Whenver I heard a senior man or woman talking about ghost I told them go to a primary school and tell the students there
because it is they who would relish such stories.
I had seen my grandmother telling such stories to the children, hence I believed that these are all grand mother's stories, without any science, any logic.
Now I am 49 years old and am working in a large company as a senior sales manager. Therefore, I have to knock about quite a bit through out the country. Hence, I have to travel to the nook of any town, into the forest, behind the hill, or sail by a boat to the other side of a river.
During my visit to various places I have encountered ghost or their activities which have changed the stubbornness of my attitude against the science of ghost. Therefore, today I strongly believe that ghosts do exist and it will be an utter foolishness to reject that.
I would like to share 4 of my personal experiences and a story which I have read which concerns one of my best friends.
I generally, go out on sales tour once every month. Once my G.M called me and said that I should cover an area which is roughly 600 kms from my place. There are some potential customers there, they expect us to send some body there.
The tour is for a maximum 5 days. Till now we have not visited that area. He gave me a list of the customers I am supposed to meet there. I got the ticket for the next day, from the ticket I found that the train was at 11:15 pm, and I will reach my destination by 5 am if the train reaches on time.
The station is roughly 8 km from my house. But I followed a short route, took a cab and reached the end of the road which comes directly from our house. I got down and decided to walk along the track and reach the station
It is hardly 20 minutes walk, and I could see the lights of the station from there and the passage is absolutely safe. I started walking only by the side passage of the track to be safe.
I am not in the habit of walking on the track and invite trouble. When I reached half of the way, I was terrified to see ghastly scene. I saw that about 7 to 8 people met with a major accicent.
Their dead bodies were lying on the track. I could see 3 persons were cut I to half and their busts and the lower portions of their bodies were lying scattered over some area. I also saw two single heads lying by the side of the track.
Hands and legs got separated and were seen here and there. I sheded my eyes with my palm to avoid looking at the horrific spectacle and reached the platform almost
by running.
However there were no passengers in that part of the platform, because it was the end of the platform, and also it was dark. I heaved a sigh of relief after reaching the platform.
I kept my bag on a bench and went to a tap and washed my face with cold water to feel a little better. I started padding that part of the platform in order to ease my mind.
I saw that 3 persons were pulling a bordered wheeled cart and it was
coming towards me. To my surprise I saw that the cart appeared suddenly out of blue..
The cart was being pulled and pushed towards the end of the platform, When it reached me I saw the severed pieces of human bodies were being carried in the cart.
I shouted, ' Oh my God!!!' and closed my eyes till the cart passed from there but when I opened my eyes just after 1 minute, I could not see any cart on the end part of the platform as if it had disappeared all of a sudden.
I rushed to the other part of the platform. An officer was standing there wearing a white coat and I explained what I had seen. He listened and said, " Yes, there was an accident just 20 days ago, 7 to 8 persons were killed.
What you saw was their spirit, some more people have seen it Go to a tea shop and have a cup of tea you will feel fine ." Then he addeded ."We should put some lights over there, Don't go to that part of the platform."
It was my Iast face to face experience with paranormal activity, and I will not be able to forget the incident for a long time.