Great job Jørgen! It is impressive to me that you have such creativity and imagination! The story was a little too scary for me though. Looking forward to the next story where there are more survivors!!
4 years ago
Well, i made this.... and this is how many stars i think it deserves...
Aye veldig bra. [img=update] Fygnfydhhfdyfdyhdfhydfyhhyfcfyhgdyhdtyhdythcyfhhgcyhcfycyghyhdfdhfy WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOOHIHIOHI Dmndndndndjnddnndnjcjcjdjdmdmdjdnd yes.......
Great job Jørgen! It is impressive to me that you have such creativity and imagination! The story was a little too scary for me though. Looking forward to the next story where there are more survivors!!
Well, i made this.... and this is how many stars i think it deserves... ..............................................................................................................................