WebNovelThe Core88.89%

Chapter 7

Mel's POV

      We had no idea where we were going,but decided to just go where our instinct led us to.Seth was unusually quiet so I decided to leave him be,he looked deep in thought,it was probably linked with our whole situation with being in the earth's core and all.Plus I felt it would be awkward if I just interrupted his thoughts.

    "So,how long have you and Adrian being friends",I asked after some time as  the silence was deafening and I couldn't take it any longer.

    "Since we were five,you should know this,Mel,we were in the same class",He replied looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

I guess all this years I had only noticed the hot guy I had a crush on and not his friends,I feel kinda guilty now.

    "Hmm,maybe I just can't remember you as a little boy,I've always seen you as the hot Seth in high school",I stated with a chuckle feeling guilty that I just lied to him. In my defense it's probably true,puberty can do a lot to a person.

   "You really think I'm hot?",he asked looking at me somewhat expectant.

I took this as an opportunity to really look at him cos to be honest I've never really paid attention to him. He had this 'don't let the glasses fool you' persona like some sort of nerdy bad boy aura and trust me it suits him perfectly and don't get me started on his body,damn,he visits the gym regularly. He's actually really hot if you paused and took a good look at him but I guess being under Adrian's shadow doesn't let people or me see that.

   "Are you done checking me out?",he asked with a smirk and a little tinge of red on his cheek,bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Geez,way to embarrass him and yourself Mel",I muttered.

  "Uhm,no,I mean yes,well you asked if  I thought you were hot...so I had to check,but that doesn't mean I was checking you out",I stutter.

  "Come on,I see a market ahead,we might get some information on the ceremony there",he says. I nod and we keep moving until we get to the market,grateful that I don't have to suffer any more embarrassment.

   The market was so noisy as it was full of people hurrying to wherever they were headed to,it was total chaos.

  "I wonder why they are in such a hurry",I whisper yell to Seth.

  "I see why",he replied,pointing up.

   "Holy mother of Jesus",I yell. The gigantic sun from earlier was coming down with lightening speed,fiery balls  of light spewing from it. That's why everyone was in a hurry.

  "Run Mel",Seth screams. I look around and notice everyone running in search of safety. We start running until I stop and grab two sacks I found lying around and filled one with food and another with clothes. I heard a woman talking about the dress code or something and I wanted us to blend in at the ceremony.I look back at the sun still coming down with alarming speed.This place was really something,I can not imagine experiencing sunset like this everyday.

  I kept running and running hoping I was not going in the wrong direction when I spotted the abandoned hotel we were staying at.

     I got in and shut the door,not before looking around to see if I was being followed. I heard some voices and decided to see if it was any of the guys,as I got closer,I realized the voices belonged to Adrian and Seth. "Oh my God,they are arguing about something",I whisper to my self and walk faster.They could attract someone to us if they kept yelling like a couple about to get divorced.

"You were supposed to be with her",I hear Adrian say, and when I look he looks furious.

"Who was missing",I thought as I walked in.But clearly they didn't notice me and kept yelling at each other.

   "Uhm,what's going on here?",I ask as I walk in.They both turn around and look at me with a hint of shock in their eye.

  "Mel,I was so worried when I got here and you weren't here,I thought you were ahead of me,I'm so sorry "Seth says as he hurries towards me and engulf me in a hug,a really nice hug,he feels like a huge teddy bear.

  "I had to get us clothes and some food",I say as I pull away and point to the heavy sacks of food and clothes I had brought with me that was lying on the floor.

"I don't know if you guys are hungry cos I am,so let's eat",I add. I look around to see if Adrian was still standing there but I notice he isn't there anymore. I try not to think about the way he looked so worried and scared thinking something bad had happened to me. He probably just doesn't wasn't the group to loose another member.Yup that's it.

"Are you coming Mel",I hear Seth say. He's already out the door and is holding both sacks in his hands. I follow him and he leads us to a more larger room where the others are seated. How on earth do they know their way around here,I feel like I'm the only one that's bad with directions.

"What's in those sacks?",Tyler asks as Seth places them on a table.

"Food and clothes",Seth answers as he busies himself with organizing the food and clothes.

"I overheard two girls discussing the ceremony,they were talking about some sort of dress code,so I decided to get them when I got the chance",I chime in,walking towards the table to help Seth.

    "We have to wear these?",Tiffany asks as she walks toward us to check out the the clothes.

   "Yup",I answer,too tired to start explaining stuff to the likes of Tiffany.

  "Who's hungry",Seth announces and everyone rushes to the table and sits down looking ready to devour the food.

  "Honestly,the food here is the only thing comforting about this place",Tyler speaks up,shoving spoonfuls of food in his mouth.He only got some mhmmms and hmms as replies.We ate in silence after that,each of us lost in our thoughts,everyone's eyes showing that they were at least grateful that they were not alone in this.
