WebNovelThe Core77.78%

Chapter 6

Adrian went ahead of me,telling me to stay behind,so I could warn others if it were really an intruder and he got caught. "Damn,he was so brave",I muttered. I decided to keep looking around the room to see if I could find anymore news or clue that could help. I still can't believe we're at the earth's core. And to think we studied it in geography last year,I giggled at the thought surprising myself.

"How can you be giggling at a time like this?",I mutter.

I know I'm going crazy,it feels like I'm in some sort of reality TV,where they dump people in an island to survive which to me sounds absurd and pointless,like dude you're not going to die seeing as the camera crew,directors and all are there watching",I mutter rolling my eyes and giggling some more.

"Someone seems all better now,wanna share the joy?"Adrian asks walking in.

"I think I should be the one asking the questions here,"I said crossing my arms.

"What did you find?,why are you calm?,why didn't I hear anything while you out there?",I fired taking calculated steps towards him.

"Geez,detective calm down,I was about to explain".He laughed placing his hands on my face. I didn't even know when he got this close.

   "Well then explain,I whispered not sure if he could hear. He was so close,why was he so close"I thought to myself.

"Wait a minute",I yelled..are you some sort of shape shifting thingy and...and you probably have the real Adrian tied up in a closet somewhere. Oh my God there are shape shifters here in the earth's core.The real Adrian wouldn't stand this close let alone put his hands on me...my face I mean. He has a girlfriend and her name is Melanie but my name is Melanie too,did Adrian mention any Melanie girl cos if he did then he was not referring to me but his girlfriend and you think I'm her but I'm the wrong Melanie. The point is where did you put the real Adrian,you better tell me you shape shifter person,I know kungfu and.....

   "Holy shit Mel,you just talked for 3 minutes straight without breathing"Suspicious Adrian said gasping for breath as he tried to control his laughter.

That's the thing about me,I ramble when I'm nervous or when I feel awkward.I can't control it,and trust me I've tried.

I don't hear laughter so I figured Adrian was done with his laughing feat.I'm so embarrassed right now that I can't even look at his face,so I act like I've spotted something fascinating on the floor and look at that instead.

   "So obviously....I'm not a shape shifting thingy,he says chuckling which makes me blush,but if you want I could show you what caused the noise"he adds. I nod thankful that he's changed the topic. He probably sensed my discomfort. But honestly a part of me wanted him to tell me that Melanie was not his girlfriend,but I guess the rumor she spread around school that they were exclusively dating was true afterall.

        I walked behind him making sure to keep a good distance seeing as I was still red from embarrassment.In my defense,he was at fault ,why did he have to touch my face like he was going to kiss me.

I keep on walking behind,taking different turns absentmindedly until I hear him.

"So,apparently the ceiling came crashing down"he stated pointing at the hole where the ceiling used to be and then the floor. I thought to look around in case it was something else,I turned up empty and concluded that the ceiling was probably too old and fell and then I decided  to get back to you"he adds turning around to face me.

I finally look up at him and was about to say something when Seth walked towards us.

"There you guys are,we've been looking all over for you"he said raising his hands and ruffling his hair.We were thinking of looking around to know if this place is really abandoned and then figuring out our next line of action",he added.

  "We found something and we think there might be more if we look harder, Adrian explained gesturing for Seth to follow him.

"I've found them guys,he yelled for the others to hear and gave a nod to Adrian to lead the way.


    We were all gathered in the room Adrian and I found the newspaper earlier looking around for anything we could find.No one took the discovery of being in the earth's core well,so it was completely quiet .

     "I've found something,Melanie yells breaking the silence. We gather around her and she places what looks like the rest of the news paper we found earlier on the table.

    "Heroic princess,Telesilla the third sacrifices everything and goes to the surface for the sake of her kingdom"Seth reads out for everyone to hear.

"So obviously the ceremony is in honor of their princess who just got back from our world,"I spoke out.Something doesn't add up,and I have a hunch that whatever it is,it should be related to this princess",I added.

  "I guess we'll have to find out,the ceremony is tomorrow right?",Seth asked looking at Tyler.

"That's what I heard,the question is when is their tomorrow,shouldn't there be like a different time and all here?",Tyler stated glancing at each of us. Everyone shrugged and then turned to look at me.

   "Uhm,well we could split up now into three  teams..one in search of food, another to figure out what time it is and when exactly the ceremony is going to hold and probably where it would hold if they can too and the last would stay back and keep an eye on the building just in case",I suggested.They all nod in agreement.

   "I pick Adrian",Melanie yelled dragging him towards her. I tried not to focus too much on her hands around his torso even though it was nearly impossible,they were standing right across from me.

   "Well,then I'll go with Mel",Seth said coming to stand next to me,smiling. I smiled back at him and looked to Tyler who was standing awkwardly next to Tiffany.I giggled and tried to hide it with a cough.Tyler just wasn't a fan of Tiffany and with them paired together, it'd be a total disaster. I was actually hoping to be paired with Tyler so I could ask him about earlier,the way he acted when he found out that Stephanie was missing still surprised me,we've been best friends for years and I've never seen him that hurt and angry,plus he never gets angry at me no matter what I do. We bicker but it has never gone past that.

   "We should go find out the time for the ceremony",Seth said bringing me out of my thoughts."We're the smartest among them you know",he whispered in my ears making me laugh.This earned us weird looks from the others. We just shrugged it off and left the room.

  Author's note:Another chapter done. Tell me what you think in the comments section.

  Also anticipate Sel(Seth and Mel) or Meth(Mel and Seth) in the next chapter.
