WebNovelThe Core66.67%

Chapter 5

Mel's POV

  The building was definitely abandoned, you could tell from the musty smell,the cobwebs that hung from every corner and the dust that covered every piece of furniture. It looked like it hadn't been used in decades,give or take a few years,luckily for us. It was also pretty big like it used to be a hotel or an office or something.

I made my way up the stairs dodging cobwebs.From the looks of it,the stair railing used to be gold and beautiful. Opening the first door I saw,my mouth hung open in awe,it was a bedroom,a huge bedroom,with a queen sized bed right at the far end facing me,the room was covered with dust and cobwebs but beautiful nonetheless with faded blue walls,the floor was made of marble stones that were cold to my feet as I ditched the shoes I was wearing.

"I call dibs on this one",I yelled as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. After a while,I heard a bunch of "I call this one's",although it was muffled. 

   I fought the urge to sleep as I left my room to look for the others. We needed to make some rules and set a real plan so we could finally rest for today.

"Guys",I whisper yell as I walked through the long hallway. It was oddly quiet so I decided to open one of the doors,I peeped in and found Tyler fast asleep, I checked the next room and found Melanie asleep too,snoring.

'So she snores',I thought rolling my eyes. And here I thought she was flawless. Most times people we think could never have flaws are the ones who might have the most flaws. They just tend to hide it really well.

  Since everyone was asleep I decided to scout the building and the surrounding area to be sure that no one really came to this part of the city. We had to be careful not to be seen from now on,even though a few people spotted us on our way here and Stephanie had probably given them our names and what not,if she had already been caught that is. I decided to look inside the building for a while before going outside. I made my way down the stairs to what I suppose was the lobby,thoughts of what the future held seeping its way into my mind.

  If this was a hotel,then it probably was a really huge hit when it was running, that is.

As I made it to the last step,I heard a small noise coming from the door to my left,it was so small you could miss it. I tiptoed my way to it careful not to make any noise in case it was an intruder, well we were the ones intruding but you get what I mean. Pushing the door slightly, I could make out a figure hunched over what I assumed was a table at the far end of what looked like an office. The room was dimly lit so I couldn't make out the facial features but I was somewhat sure it was a guy.

"Its Adrian",I heard and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I stepped into the room still careful though,who knows,maybe this place was magical and people could transform into other human beings.

"Relax,its me Mel",Adrian said amidst chuckles.

"Before safe than sorry",I replied taking slow steps towards him

"What are you doing here anyways,thought you'd be asleep",I added. He shrugged and gestured for me to come closer. I stood next to him trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach and my heart slamming my ribcage with how fast it was pounding. I prayed silently that I don't embarrass myself by farting or burping or tripping over my self or choking on my saliva

  "I found these when I came in to look around",Adrian said bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked to where he was gesturing with his fingers and saw a newspaper that looked like it was made centuries ago. I looked at the letters written in bold italics

    'Heroic princess sacrifices everything to save the core'.

"Oh my God,we're at the earth's core",I exclaimed biting my lower lip so hard that it could draw blood as tears spilled uncontrollable.

"I know right?",Adrian mumbles, facing the paper on the desk.

"How can you be so calm",I yelled obviously frustrated that I was freaking out and he acted like it was just any other problem.

"Well,we are already here,might as well accept that fact",he spoke calmly,pulling me into his arms and engulfing me in a hug.

"Its all going to be ok",he added drawing circles on my back soothingly. I nodded letting all the frustration out through my tears. We pulled away after what felt like an eternity, my insides felt like goo.

"Thank you",I muttered, looking down. I could feel the blush on my cheeks.I had never been so close to a guy that was not my dad or Tyler or my family in general.

"Its nothing",he replied,cleaning the tears with the back of his palm. The gesture only increased the hotness on my face and I hurriedly looked away. He was about to say something else when we heard a loud crash from outside. We looked at each other wearing the same expression on our faces,FEAR.
