|| Where?


I guess you have a lot of questions about my life. I do too but I'm afraid that I can't answer all of them. But one thing is for sure; my life is a mess and didn't feel like living anymore.

When we finally reached my place, I paid for the cab and walked into the building. The guards greeted me good morning and I just nodded at them but at the back of my head I thought, "What's so good in the morning?" After the night that I've been through I'm just exhausted.

Once I reached the elevator I pressed the 27th floor and entered my concierge key. This place was the only thing that I owned. I have to sell some of my houses, condos, cars, bags, and jewelry.

I guess the question, "why does she need to sell her body?", popped into your mind. Well, my dad's gambling addiction was the reason why our company needed the money. At first, loaning money from the bank kept us on our feet but the loaning company came for us asking for payments and that was the only time reality hit my father; that we still needed to pay money for our loans. My dad and I have the same goal, we want the company to be ours. We both don't want the company to slip away from our hands so he proposed this idea.

At first, I didn't know what would be the effect on my health. I just said to myself that this was my part of keeping the company in our hands and if we had to take drastic measures for us to keep it then I would go for it. As you can see, I was very optimistic at first knowing that it would just be for months, reminding myself that this action could make my father proud of me. But what I didn't know was that my mental health was at stake and will continuously fall apart, until now.

As I entered my apartment, I was greeted by dust. I haven't cleaned my apartment for a while because I was not home often, well you already know why. I don't even sleep or eat here anymore, it was just a place for me to change my clothes. When I came home I would always have a migraine, it was a routine for me that as soon as I go home I would immediately take paracetamol. I looked at the clock and it was already 8:30, now that I've lost the sense of time, I am officially late for work. I ran to my bathroom and took a quick bath, and after that, I dried my hair and did my morning routine which doesn't require that much time.

When I'm done, I grabbed the keys to my car and headed out. Do you see it? This isn't a home for me, it's just a place for me to change my clothes and nothing more else. I only spent like 30 minutes inside.

While I was in the elevator I checked my phone to see if the money from last night was transferred to my bank account. That money would be used to pay all of our employees so they have something to feed their families. Maybe that thought would be enough to compensate for my dignity and the fact that what I am doing is for the common good. The reality is I am the only hope.

In just a matter of minutes, I can already see the peak of our building, soaring high with pride and in just minutes as well, I'll be facing the most hellish place I have been, aside from units I have been into. As I parked my car at the entrance of the building. I grabbed my bag at the back of my car and exited. I proceeded to the entrance of the building and gave my keys to the valet.

As soon as I entered the building I felt everyone's eyes on me, I could feel that they took a moment to stare. All of the people gave way and no one dared to get in my way. In this place I receive respect, I receive power. But last night the tables turned, I was a lamb, a prey, someone that was at the state of vulnerability and that sucks. I walked to our elevator and pressed the 72nd floor.

When I arrived at my floor, this is the floor that I share with my team. My original plan was to walk to my office and perhaps take a rest, without anyone daring to get in my way. But someone did, so I have to discern the presence of this person.

"What is it, Dale?" I rolled my eyes and removed my sunglasses. We continued to walk towards my office.

"Mr. Monteñegro said that you should go to his office as soon as you stepped foot inside this building." He said in a flat voice, maintaining posture.

"I'll send Marissa then." I smiled at him as I was about to walk in the other direction, he stopped me in my tracks.

"He also mentioned that it is 'family business'" I rolled my eyes once again as he emphasized the word family business. I turned around to return to the elevator and pressed the 80th button with hesitation. As soon as the elevator ding I stepped out of the elevator, I could see the figure of Dale in front of my father's office.

"How did you arrive so fast?"

"Our elevator is faster than yours, miss." I bet he took the stairs, it was just impossible.

He smirked and opened the door to my father's office to let me in and wait outside the office. I kind of wished I was him, right now. It was the usual office I entered for the last 5 years. The same old couch, coffee table, bookshelf, desk, chair, and nameplate.

Franco Monteñegro, CEO

"Good job on what you did last night" He acknowledged while he was typing on his laptop.

"Thank you," I said with a monotone voice. I am just too numb to feel grateful for his acknowledgement if that is what he feels that would pay it all. I just want to live a normal life, not paying one's debt with my own body.

"With this plan, we will be able to pay our debts soon." He said flatly, he doesn't even feel sorry for sending her daughter to be sold and to be used once again. To add it all up her daughter just slept with a woman last night!

"How many sessions more father?" I said tiredly, I just want to move on quietly and forget this part of my life already. He looked up to me with unbelief in his eyes, the look in his eyes was enough for me to be angry.

"Are you complaining?" He stood up. "I thought we already talked about thi—" I stopped him right there.

"We already did. Now is that all? I have work to do. Have a great day." I walked out of the door with my hands into fists and without even looking back I opened the door and exited the room. I was angry and I don't even know where to throw the bomb.

"What a life." I whispered and sighed.

"Coffee?" Dale offered as he saw me walk out of my father's office.

"No, thank you, Dale." I said dismissively.

"You seemed to be in a bad mood, just remember don't throw the bomb to Marissa! She's fragile!" I smiled a bit. He walked me to the elevator and bid goodbye. I saw on Dale's back that my father was eyeing us.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Marissa! Hot Chocolate please!" I said on the intercom. I was tired so rested my head while closing my eyes. Sometimes I daydreamed that I would take a very long vacation in the Maldives or Japan. I wanted to see their culture, and travel like any other youth exploring life. I would love to learn how to bake, read books, and eat all the fruits that I want. Yes, other than sweets I am very fond of fruits. I just want to escape with this life. I just want to feel the freedom that should be mine in the first place.

"Here you go." Marissa said as she entered my office and placed the coffee on my table.

"Thank you." I said and picked up the cup of hot chocolate and drank it slowly. I felt so relaxed for the first time today.

"Uhm, Samantha." We dropped the formalities already. We had known each other for such a long time that miss or ma'am made me uncomfortable so I let her call me Samantha. "I was planning to say this since last week, but may I go home early this day? It's my dad's birthday today."

"It's okay, I can manage things from here. Go home Marissa and have fun." I said, still indulging myself in the scent of my hot chocolate.

"I'll pack my things now, see you tomorrow Samantha!" She waved.

"See you!!!"

Since Marissa will go home early today, I was planning to bring my work home with me. But I said to myself I have to use that time at home to study. So I challenge myself that in the next 2 hours I'll be able to finish all of my work. 2 hours came by and I was done. I cleaned my desk and packed my stuff. I was ready to go home now since I don't have plans for tonight.

"Ms. Monteñegro!" I heard Dale's voice outside of my office and that's when I knew my plans were ruined.

"Mr. Monteñegro wants to meet you for the second time today." I faced my doorway and saw him standing at the entrance of the door while gasping for air. I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my bag ready to leave.

"That could wait for tomorrow." As I try to walk past him, he blocks my way with his body.

"He also mentioned that it's a family business" Crap. As all of you may have noticed family business is our code name for selling my body and for our debts. When Dale will call me to come to meet my father for the family business I know all too well not to ignore him.

"If it's so important, why didn't you just call me?" I stared at him suspiciously.

"Now where's the fun in that? And I love the 72nd floor. It's spacious and filled with a lot of great people." He winks at me and laughs. I just looked at him while I laughed freely.

"Care to join me on my journey to hell?" I held out my hand and smiled.

"It's a pleasure." He laughed once again and took my hand. We walked to the elevator and he pressed the button to my father's floor.

As we were on the ride on our way to my father's floor, I always expected something. Sometimes I expected him to say sorry. But he never once uttered the word sorry.

"You have arrived at your destination, your destination is at your left." I didn't notice that we are already standing at my father's office. I laughed at what Dale did, he mimicked Waze's voice.

"Go apply for Waze, Dale. In my professional opinion, you would be perfect for the job. Plus, you will be paid more money than you earn here." He just laughed at me and I rolled my eyes in return as I entered my father's office.

"You called? For the second time today?" I complainingly said.

"Don't give me that tone, young lady." He warned.

"I schedule you for your second to the last session today." I knew it, I wasn't surprised but I was hella angry.

"You did what?!" I slammed my hands on his table. "Did you just forget that my last session was just hours ago?! And yet you want me to have another session! I am not a stripper! I am your daughter!" I shouted.

He stood up from his seat and yelled back. "I didn't forget that you're my daughter! We are short of giving wages to our people! Don't you get that?! The bank won't let us take another loan, Sam." He was tired and I was too. Everyone is.

"Dad! I'm only 17 years old! Doesn't that matter to you?! I'm getting passed down to strangers and I can still feel their hands on me! Didn't you ever ask me what I want? You are too kind thinking about your employees, but how about me?" I was ready to cry, but I won't. I won't cry in front of my father, that's the last thing I want to do.

"Why don't you just sell me, dad? Just sell me permanently! Then maybe you would see me as your daughter for once." I walked out of his office and slammed his door so hard that the glass door broke into shards.

I walked angrily to the elevator ignoring Dale as he shouted my name. As soon as I entered the elevator I screamed my heart out. Letting out the words and emotions when I had no guts to do a while ago. Minutes later I began crying, I cried my heart out. I don't know where to go, who I will go to for comfort no one knows about the things that were happening in my life. I was alone. My father and I were the only ones who know. I realized that the elevator wasn't moving. I forgot to press the button to the basement.

I began to collect myself, afraid that someone would see me. I don't want any rumors to spread, and if there was a rumor I wouldn't know how to handle it. I don't want another mess to mess up my life, I could not handle that anymore.

As soon as I reached the ground floor I began to walk fast.

"Samantha!" It was Dale. I didn't want to look at him, especially when my eyes were swollen. He might get an idea of what my father and I fight about and more importantly I don't want anyone to see I'm crying.

My car was already parked outside and I thanked the valet and got onto my car quickly. While I was driving I decided that I want to end this already. I want to move on. So I went to my apartment and got dressed and prepared for tonight. Another show to put my mask on.