|| Lapse


I want all these to be over, I want to start living again. I want my father to know that I am in pain, but does he know I'm in pain? I was snapped out of my thoughts as I was sold again for $9.7 Billion tonight. It was the usual routine; I am guided once again to my owner of the night.

At least tonight it's a man. Men are easily fooled and being lied to unlike last night which I had a hard time doing so. My owner and I walked out of the venue but as we did so, I locked eyes with the most beautiful pair set of eyes I ever laid on.

As our eyes met, it just felt so magical. I was so distracted by his eyes that I wish he was the one who bought me. His eyes look so genuine as if it wouldn't hurt a soul. He was too alluring that for a second I thought I was free. I sighed and said to myself that no one in the world wouldn't hurt anyone. If it wasn't true, it's just a fantasy.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

In just a blink of an eye, it was already morning again and I woke up before my owner. It just became a habit, as I woke up today I felt so drained and I didn't want to move an inch. Just like any other day, I picked up my clothes and hailed a cab outside. The morning air was the only one keeping me from crying.

I texted the organizer of the auction and scheduled myself tonight. I also scheduled myself for me to meet my gynecologist to prevent myself from any diseases that I could get from people I had sexual intercourse with. I hope I won't, it would be too much for me.

After the ride at the cab, I cleaned myself and dressed casually but also met the standards of professional attire. I grabbed everything I needed and walked out of my apartment and then randomly thought when I should clean my apartment.

I also then texted Marissa that I would be attending work after lunch. For some reason, I wasn't able to have some proper sleep but it already became a part of my routine. When I don't attend the auction, as soon as I went home I would study for hours and I wouldn't even realize that it was morning until my alarm would go on.

"Okay Sam! I'll be preparing your lunch in the office." Marrisa replied with my message.

I am just grateful to her. As you can see, there are not many people in my life. I don't have such BFFs, though I do have acquaintances. The closest person I can consider a friend is Dale and Marissa because I see them at work almost every day, they became a part of me. I was happy when one day the both of them invited me for a coffee. Even though I don't drink coffee I still joined them, that was the day when I knew that they would be my friends. Soon after they opened about their problems every time we had brunch, but I couldn't open up mine because I was afraid that the day would come again where there was no one to talk to. Jason is also one of my friends. Well technically he is my older brother and he is currently in Uganda helping people out and I haven't seen him nor talked to him in 5years but let's not go into that section of my life.

As I reached my destination, I stopped my car in front of the hospital, I went to the receptionist and asked for my appointment. She then instructed me where to go. I thanked her, although I memorized the halls of this hospital as if it is a part of me .

As I was in front of the doctor's room. My hand was trembling in fear.

No, I won't have it. I am precautious. Yes, Sam. Don't fear.

I opened the door and came to greet the doctor. It was just the same procedure. Well yeah, my life is a routine and having this test is a part of my routine. It's just that I couldn't get over with the hardest part whenever I go to my doctor. It is the time consumed in waiting, it always felt like hell while waiting for the results. Just killing me passionately and softly inside. As hours tick by, I already saw the results.

I was happy and relieved that I wasn't HIV positive. I am just too grateful for this! What a good start for my day. The doctor also gave me some medicines that I can take for me to prevent such diseases and to add it all up I wasn't pregnant either.

Once I was finished with my doctor's appointment, I drove my way to my office and was greeted by the same faces that I encountered every day. Once I reached my floor, Marissa was already there waiting at her desk.

"Good afternoon, Sam." She greeted happily with a wide smile on her face.

"Good afternoon indeed, Marissa. So how was your father's birthday?" I stopped at her desk for us to have a little chat.

"It was great! My dad loves Filipino food so we made him Adobo! He also wants roasted beef on his birthday, oh! I packed lunch for you! There were so many extra servings on the table and I decided to pack lunch for you." She reached out for her lunch bag on the floor and grabbed a container filled with delicious food. "Here you go, Sam! And I figured out that you still didn't have lunch, so enjoy!" She handed it to me with a smile that can make everyone's day bright. I smiled at her and happily accepted the food.

"Thank you so much for the food, Marissa! I would gladly eat it!" I was happy at a touch of concern. I was happy that someone thought of me at home. I hope the devil would do too.

As we went to my office we discussed my meetings for the day and the things that I have to do. As soon as we entered my office we saw Dale sitting on my couch with 2 cups of coffee and 1 cup of hot chocolate on my coffee table.

"How the hell did I not notice you come in here?" Marissa said in full confusion.

"Well, that's not my problem, Marissa." He paused to pick up the coffee and offered it to us. Marissa and I picked up the cup and slowly drank the hot liquid, I made my way to my desk to put my bag down.

"Before you sit down, your father called ab—" I didn't need Dale to tell me the reason why my father is asking for me. I raised my right index finger as a sign for him to pause.

"Family business?" He stood there in unbelief trying to figure out why I know.

As you can see this office isn't really where we made happy memories as a family like those families in the fictional stories. Maybe the happy memories were making successful deals and meetings, or having new investments and investors. It sucks, but I had no choice.

I went out of my office and went where I should go. As I walked into the familiar room I just sighed guessing if he would bring me the good or bad news.

"Good job, Samantha." My father greeted, his smile says it all. It was good news.

"We paid the $1 Trillion of debt." He clapped with a proud smile on his face. I'm now confused about which smile should I show to my father because, to be honest, I haven't been smiling happily in front of him for the last 2 years.

"Congratulations, dad." I just faked a smile, I know that this company is his happiness and he wouldn't get that same happiness from his family. I just pulled off the best smile that I can give him. I would just stand by his side to support him, that is what families are for, right?

"Now that we've jumped over the mountain, I want to discuss something with you." He looked into my eyes and smiled, it was a happy smile with no regrets. He signaled me to sit down and I did.

"I want you to start school on Monday." He said calmly. "The board of directors wouldn't accept you to any higher positions in the company if you wouldn't attend school personally." I just nodded at him. It was an easy task to do, I just have to waste years and time on learning the things I learned already.

"Don't worry, I will enroll you in a school where you can create connections. The school that you'll be enrolling at is 4-5 hours drive from where you live. I already arranged a place where you can stay. Dale will send you the details later so go and pack your things."

"Will I be taking Marissa with me?" I asked.

"No. You've been through enough, you can handle yourself already by this age now." He said dismissively. I left the office with a lot of mixed emotions inside of me. To be honest, I wasn't sure what I should feel. Now that I was given a chance to live a new life again. Should I be happy or sad about it? Sad because I'll be leaving Marissa and Dale or happy because I have this opportunity to start fresh.

I also thought that this may be the opportunity for me to have friends, not that I don't consider Dale and Marissa as friends. This might be a chance for me to have a fresh start, but I'm not even sure if I am deserving of a fresh start.

Best of luck Sam. You experienced too much, this better not be your downfall.