|| New Air


I'm currently driving to my new school, it was just me on my trip to my new place. I was still saddened by the fact that Marissa couldn't come with me. I'm not even sure if I can handle the new air that was given to me.

I left home with a big lump in my heart, leaving Marissa and Dale for a while is still the saddest memory that I have in mind. I thought of the things that we do every day that we couldn't do anymore. But yet again, I realized that they don't deserve someone like me, I can't even stay true to them and that is my biggest regret.

Soon after I arrived at my place, unloaded my things, and now staring at the street below me. While thinking things through I was still not used to the new air that I breathe. Looking through the window, where cars still bustled around the streets and people having a normal day. I wasn't sure how to act, all alone in my apartment that has excessive rooms, this apartment could fit a family of five and yet I am here alone in the free space.

Tomorrow marks my first day of school in 5 years. I stopped studying at a real school when my father taught me everything that I need to know for me to survive this harsh world. I stopped studying until we needed to think of a way to resolve my father's gambling habits, and now I will spend years of my life studying again.

Staring at the street makes me want to go out and scream, I want the people to know that I am free from my father and the world I had before I got here.

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Waking up the next day was an easy task for me, this new air was my favorite thing now. I was happy that it gave me chills in the morning. It feels too surreal.

I did my morning routine and I put an extra effort into doing my hair and makeup, and as for my uniform, I made sure it was ironed in perfection. I checked my things 3 times last night for me to make sure I don't forget anything.

It was a special day for me, so I made sure I look extra presentable and wore jewelry, shoes, and a backpack that I knew would impress.

I chose everything by price, made sure that I was in the trend. It was not that hard but here I am on my parking floor choosing what car I should go with. I need to make sure that every single thing is perfect. I was nervous. I wasn't even sure how I would interact with humans anymore.

Giving up, I picked the most expensive car I have and drove to a breakfast place. Last night, while I was surfing the internet I searched for a breakfast place here and I found a perfect place where I can take out pastries and hot chocolate, so I drove to that breakfast place.

As always I ordered croissants and a chocolate drink, staying away from the coffee side of the menu because when I drink coffee I palpitate immediately. As I was speeding to the drive-thru I saw familiar clothes entering the shop, they were wearing the same uniform I wear. I was so nervous that I quickly sped up to the next window and placed my order.

I sighed in relief, the original plan is that I was going to park my car and enter the shop to order and I was glad I didn't follow my plan. I was glad that my nervousness stepped off as I drove to my new school.

As I was entering the gates of the school, students were already scattered at the front yard, all of them are included in a group of friends. Some of them are eating breakfast together, others talked and some studied.

The students here are incredibly rich, I can tell by their designer bags, their phones, watches, and jewelry. The school that my father picked isn't that bad, it's perfectly lawned, it was clean, and for me, it was a perfect place for studying. The school is surrounded by trees and that brought a calm ambiance. At the main building, I can see a big clock and in front of it is a parking space.

While I was wondering my eyes off as I drove slowly to the parking space, everyone seemed to look at my car. Can they see me in my car? I thought. Seriously, everyone is looking at my car like it was something that they've seen for the first time.



It was an ordinary day for everyone at the academy, everyone minded their businesses. Yesterday, Lily, a student that works for the office barged into the dining haul and broke the news that made everyone shocked. It wasn't normal for students to transfer to the academy. They rarely see new students transferring and it was because of the high tuition fee and the high standard that the academy has.

"Y'all wouldn't believe what I just saw as an applicant for our school!" Lily excitedly says, but first, she stood high on one of the oak tables to catch everyone's attention.

"Someone who is super-rich will attend school starting tomorrow!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Who?" Another student asks.

The confidence that Lily has swamped away just in seconds, sadly she didn't see who because a teacher suddenly entered the office which made her close the folder immediately.

"I didn't see who it was, but I know she is one of the richest teens in our country! It was stated in her applications."

Hierarchy. Something really important in this school. You wouldn't just be easily accepted in this academy, you need to have a status. It is a private school exclusively made for the rich, without money you couldn't attend this academy. Being one of the highest-rated schools that produce successful persons in the world, you couldn't just enroll in this school. You need money, power, and status.

The students were baffled by the news that Lily announced, it was certain that Lily was right, she was never wrong. Why? Lily can memorize a whole book in just an hour, and she works in the office because of the extra merit. Everyone was certain that the hierarchy would move, whoever that person is, they were certain that she would be immediately on the top.


I was not surprised that I was not late for school, besides it's my first day that I couldn't afford to be late. As soon as I parked my car, I made my way to the entrance of the main building where the big clock is located.

But just in seconds, I lost my balance, almost. If I haven't found something to hold onto I'd fall to the rocky pavement and it would not be cool for the first day! Curse you whoever you are person-that-bumped into me! I was never bumped by anyone in my whole life! Everyone made way for me as I walked, no one dared to get into my way, but unfortunately, someone did. It would be either Dale and no one!!

"What the hell?" Wow! Just wow! He dares to be angry, I am the victim here! I spun my way to take a good look at him, and I made sure that I am that angry!! That is just seconds he would run like a puppy.

"What the hell? Is that the words that I just heard? Shouldn't it be sorry?" My sudden outburst caught the attention of the students around us, I guess I shouldn't have been too loud. But as soon as I faced the person that bumped into me that made me almost fall and ruin my first day of school was suddenly so familiar.

I know him, the face I know, his brown hair and hazel eyes. I know the look, his look, in particular, it was the same look 9 months ago. We gazed at each other for a few more seconds, we both took a pretty good look at each other wondering where we saw each other.

"Ethan?" I hope I was right about his name. His eyes bulged into the size of a golf ball and ran right past me, but before he could even run from I spun in his direction and grabbed his collar.

"Where do you think you're going?!" I shouted so loud that every student made a halt and looked at us. I tried so hard to find this guy and today is my lucky day. "Do you know how many months I searched for you?!" He tried to escape my grip but I only held his collar tighter.

"Yaah! Where do you think you're going? Huh?!"

"S-sam, l-let's talk about-t it o-okay? I-it was a mistake, I-I'm sorry." He stuttered, it was so sudden that I didn't notice him taking my hand away from his collar, and in just a blink of an eye, Ethan was on his knees begging. After his scandalous action, I heard a few gasps from the crowd. I wasn't sure if I'm doing the right thing now, but who cares?! I was trying to find this man for the whole 9 months!

"I-it was a mistake, I-I'm sorry my ass!" I mimicked his voice and strode away past him. I just had enough of him! "Now stand up, you're embarrassing us."

"H-hey Sam! I'll pay okay? I-I'll pay!!!" He shouted soon after he already caught the speed of my walk, and he grabbed my wrist for me to look at him. For the second time today, his hazel eyes met mine.

"You make sure you pay! You don't know what I've been through just looking for you!" I almost cried and that's when I noticed that a lot of people were staring at us.

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Ethan and I met at a Met Gala that was held every year for the people who were deserving of rest because of their hard work, my dad sent me as his proxy because he was in Japan and couldn't make it. When we were taking pictures on the red carpet a boy just casually made his way to my side and smiled at the cameras with me. He even held my waist at the time, which made it look like we are a couple. I looked above me and saw this guy with striking hazel eyes. He was extremely perfect to sell to the people who needed a liver and a heart.

"I'm pretty sure that you heard that staring is rude, right?" He said while we were still smiling for the cameras. At that time I wonder why I didn't kick him in the ass and told him to fuck off, I still haven't found the answer till now.

"And I'm pretty sure that what you did is more than rude." I fired back still looking at him, he looked at me for a second and just laughed at what I said.

"It's just for tonight, darling" His sweet words made me cringe, honestly.

"Oh, now you're making me gag." He laughed at what I said as we continued to enter the venue.

"Ethan Metrakis, by the way. And you darling are?" He looked at me with adoration in his eyes, I wonder if he looks at girls like this every time.

"Samantha Monteñegro. And stop calling me darling" I commanded him.

"Oh the billionaire, I guess today is my lucky day, darling." He winked at me as we walked to our seats. "If you don't mind, I'll be borrowing you tonight." He said and I just nodded my head. I was already used to this borrowing thing that I didn't have the urge to fight back.

Ethan and I made through the night with our conversations. Ethan is the son of the very famous Todd Metrakis; they are practically known by their hands that we're sent by the angels of God. Todd Metrakis owns a very popular architectural company, to the point that they have already spread his business throughout Asia. I didn't know what kind of energy Ethan shows, but that night we shared our secrets and he knows what I do and I know his darkest secret and we promised to pretend as if we didn't know it.

"So what made you choose me tonight? Do you do that to every event you go?" I laugh as we are outside of the venue, wandering our eyes to anything we see as we randomly talk about anything.

"I'm sorry, Sam if I startled you with my sudden actions and no I do not. It's just for tonight, you know my ex-girlfriend is here with her new boyfriend." He rolled his eyes and paused for a moment. "And I don't want to let her see me without a date."

"Ahh, so you used me?" I just casually said.

"At that moment, I intended to use you. But if you feel bad I could pay you, you know." He raised his eyebrows that made us both laugh. "But Sam you know, I had a great time." He looked at me with those adoring eyes again. "A superb one."

"You promise to pay for me?" I laughingly ask.

"Of course." He promisingly said.