|| It Matters


It was the usual weekend for me; there had never been a day off on my schedule until now. So this weekend, I'll be working on the paperwork that Marissa sent from the past 5 days that I still haven't accomplished. Even if it's not in my will to do so, I stretched my body and decided to take a shower. As I stepped inside the bathroom, I screamed from what I just saw.

If I were to be asked by the thing that scares me the most, it would be spiders and frogs. By the looks of it, I just received a sweet good morning from a spider.

"AAAAAHHHH!!" I immediately made my way out of the bathroom, screaming while making sure I closed the door. Vince barged inside of my room, who was clearly half-awake and was startled by my scream.

"What happened?" He asked. I was unsure if it was concern that lingered in his voice as he tried to assess the situation. It was a life and death situation between that spider and me!

"A deadly greeting, I guess?" I said, feeling the trauma I have seen from my bathroom.

I noticed Vince looking at me but as a moment passed, he quickly looked away as our eyes met.

"Have some decency and put some clothes on." He said seriously while looking at anything other than me. I looked at myself and realized that I was still in my undergarments from last night.

"AHHH! Y-you pervert!" I screamed as I grabbed the nearest object beside me and threw it at him, which was a bottle of lotion. "Get out, you freak!!!"

Vince immediately dashed outside of my room, shutting the door loudly. I went straight to my walk-in closet to grab any kind of clothes that I first saw; anything is good at this point. A quick smirk formed in my lips as I picked my clothes.

I then opened my door to continue shouting at him, but I was greeted with a stunned look on his face.

"What are you shocked about? Was it your first time seeing a woman in her lingerie?" I asked. His look changed in a snap. He looked at me as if I was the most insane person in the world. What a bipolar person we have here.

"You're not that lucky, Sam." He replied with a sassy tone, rolling his eyes at the same time. "Why are you so careless anyway?"

"It's my house. I guess that reason is enough for me to wear anything I want," I replied using his sassy tone back at him. "Anyway, what are you doing outside my room?" I asked irritatingly.

It was only 7 in the morning, and we're already starting a fight. I guess a day won't be a day without a dog & cat quarreling. Vince rolled his eyes at me and replied.

"Unbelievable!" Vince groaned. "You were the one who screamed AAAaaAahhHhhHH!!" He replied as he mimicked my screeching scream.

"And also, let me just state the fact that it's the weekend. I would love to wake up at 9 AM just for once." He complained.

I just look at him with a scowl on my face.

"Hey! I don't scream like that," I said bitterly, making sure that I was indeed offended.

Trying to get over my annoyance, I just walked past him and started to walk through one of the bedrooms that has a bathroom in it. I need to breathe! Aside from the need to avoid Vince because of my almost full temper, I hate the feeling I am enjoying quarreling with him. I can feel Vince's eyes following me as I enter the other room.

"Where are you going?" Without even glancing at my back I know that he is following me.

"Taking a shower." I simply replied and entered the bathroom while Vince sat down on the bed, carefully watching every move I made.

"You have a bathroom, don't you?" He asked while I was preparing to brush my teeth.

"Of course, I do… Every room in this apartment has one."

"What's wrong with it? Showers are broken?" I shook my head as a sign that my answer is no. "Cockroach?" He asked once again; that made me look at him with that knowing stare.

I saw Vince smirked when I looked at him, a smirk that clearly said that 'I'm the man, I can do anything.' Vince then got up, put his hands in his pocket, and walked calmly to my room with his overbearing confidence inside of him. I followed him and sat comfortably in my bed.

"Watch this." He confidently continued his way inside of my bathroom. Not even a minute has passed when I heard this.

"AAAHHH!" It was a quick scream.

"Vince!" I know what I heard. Somehow deep inside me I thanked the spider for being there. I'm now staring at Vince, who is now trying to compose himself."HAHAHAHA! You should have heard yourself! Seeing you like this really doesn't suit the image you've built up for yourself." I said while laughing.

"You said it was a cockroach!" Vince said with full of spite in his voice. He was clearly not having it, and for anyone who hasn't caught that yet, our dear Vince, who's always composed and doesn't fear anyone, is scared of spiders.

"Uhm no, for the record, I didn't say anything that it was a cockroach," I replied fast. I was just having the time of my life laughing at him. Just watching Vince's brave ass turned into a chicken was enough for me to have a great start to my day.

"I shall ask someone to deliver a spider for your birthday!" I shouted while still holding my laugh.

"Damn it!"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"You guys called me just because of a spider?" Stephen, who was slightly annoyed, asked us. I just smiled widely at him. My mood definitely improved. It is a one in a million feeling which I don't even care if I have a ton of workload today. I knew I would do all of them with a smile on my face.

"Be thankful that you have a friend like me." He said and sighed after winking at us.

I instantly felt relieved when Stephen already killed the spider and flushed it down to the toilet. I knew Vince felt that relief as well.

"Why don't you join us for breakfast?" I offered him.

"Sorry for the kind offer Sam," Stephen smiles and scratches the back of his head. "I already have plans this morning." I noticed that Stephen looked more stylish today; it was obvious that he put an extra effort into his looks.

I eyed him suspiciously because guys would only put effort into their looks if they have someone to impress.

"A date?" I asked him trying to fish for information.

"I just looked too good everyday, Sam. Nothing more." Yes, I agree that Stephen looks astonishing 100% of the time, but somehow you can sense that he's dressed to impress today. Though I don't know that person, I think for sure she is a nice person.

"Really, huh?" I asked, teasing him that I knew what was going on. "Anyways, take care today!"

When Stephen left, I went to my room to take a bath, and I guess that Vince will also be doing the same since he went inside of his room. When I finished taking a bath and did my morning routine, I decided to cook us some breakfast since it was always Vince who cooked us breakfast.

"Do you want eggs for breakfast?" I asked when I heard footsteps ascending on my way.

I turned around when Vince didn't respond to my question; I was greeted by a fantastic view of Vince drying his hair with a towel, topless. I know that I shouldn't be looking at him and his body, but I couldn't help it. Disregarding every ounce of self-discipline I have in my body, I continue to assess him as if he's some sort of painting. Then I thought to myself how a man could be this perfect.

"Stop eye-raping me, Sam," Vince said with a sly smile on his face. I know what he's doing. He is trying to get back at what happened this morning.

I don't know why but that smile made my knees weak. I seldom see Vince smile. Most of the time, he always has this poker face on him or a face that is proud and greedy. I felt my cheeks heat up and made my heartbeat quicken its pace. I badly want to punch that smile out of his face; it was so uncalled for!! Besides, I feel guilty feeling this way.

"I wasn't eye-raping you, mister. I just thought if I could kill you and your arrogance. "Now, please put a shirt on."I said with a commanding tone.

"I see, you'll be making breakfast huh? Sure I'll have eggs." Vince completely ignored what I said. When Vince started to walk toward the stool, I immediately turned my back from him and gulped because I couldn't take it anymore. If I looked at him even more, I'll just collapse, and that would be so embarrassing.

"How do you like your eggs?" I asked, trying to divert the attention and my thoughts about him.

I won't lie that I knew he was good looking ever since the beginning, but I didn't appreciate Vince's good looks just now. Usually, my attention was diverted to his dismissive attitude. From what I know about Vince, he's just a quiet person but has this authority over him. I immediately blushed when I remembered the way he smiled at me just a few seconds ago. No, Sam. This is not you.

"On you." He murmured.

"On what?!" I exclaimed, Did I hear that correctly? See, when I said he is bipolar and a pervert! I can totally feel the redness of my face and I am totally glad I turned my back at him.

"On your pan, of course." I breathed nicely after that. Well, I am holding a flower-molder pan. It looks cute so I bought it.

I continued to cook disregarding what happened a while ago, knowing that we're both hungry. I decided to wash some blueberries and strawberries for a yogurt shake. But when I saw the strainer on the top shelf I knew that I wouldn't be able to reach it. I couldn't help, but get a step stool hidden under the sink, but when I turned my back I was greeted by Vince's chest.

I suddenly remembered what happened earlier and suddenly I started reminiscing. Oh God, Sam! Here you go again. Maybe, I was very shocked, but thankfully I was able to take a step back. We were just too close for my liking!

"Need help?" I couldn't look up at him and respond, instead, I just nodded. I didn't want him to see my flushed face.

Vince then took a step forward and reached the strainer meaning there was no gap between us at all. I, who didn't have a choice but to inhale Vince's scent, took a breath because it was highly addictive and intoxicating. I closed my eyes for a moment, still inhaling Vince's scent, it felt nostalgic.

It was as if I was at home where everyone loves each other no matter what you are and who you are, a home where you are accepted, and no one's judging you by your mistakes. This is how I can describe Vince's scent because when I inhale it, it just gives me these feelings. As soon as I came to reality, I opened my eyes.

"Here's the strainer," Vince said. It was great he didn't see me with closed eyes. I would just wish to die instead! I just nodded and thanked him. Yes Sam, compose yourself and act like you don't care.

At breakfast, I was quiet which I was sure that Vince noticed as well because he kept giving me glances every after a minute. I was drinking the smoothie that I made for both of us while looking outside. I still haven't recovered from the feelings that I had a while ago. I mean I can't even identify all of those things.

"Want to go out?" Vince asked. I was a bit startled by his voice.

"I have lots of work to do. and besides, don't you have work to do?" I asked as I continued to sip my smoothie.

"I guess I have..." He replied and scratched the back of his head. I guess he remembers a lot of things that he should accomplish.

"You can work in the living room, I'd be working in my office," I said in a rush, I picked up my plate and put it in the sink. "I'll see you around." I sped-walked away from his sight. As soon as he was out of my sight I can now finally breathe properly.

Oh, thank God.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

'I at least need to stretch just for a second' I said to myself. So I got up and immediately stretched my aching body. I spent the whole day attending meetings through video calls, typed a lot of things today and now I just want to stretch. After the stretching, I noticed that it was already dark. I looked at my watch and saw that it's already 9 PM.

I didn't notice the hunger that's been crawling to my stomach, I didn't even have lunch today, only the breakfast I prepared. Before going out, I went to my table to grab my phone. I also saw the stack of paperwork that I finished today, I felt a sense of accomplishment.

I still couldn't believe that I didn't eat for hours, because it wasn't a normal thing. When I was at the main office, Marissa and Dale would always remind me to eat lunch, and sometimes I'd eat with them too. I immediately smiled as I remembered the happy memories, I looked behind me to see DaMa still following me wherever I went.

When I was outside of my office, no lights were turned on. I immediately thought of Vince and his whereabouts, I still don't know if he went out or something. The lights from the other buildings were the only ones that guided me to walk in darkness.

"Vince?" I called unsurely. I also thought of the possibility that he might be in his room already sleeping, but to make sure I first went to the living room to turn the lights on, but then I saw Vince sleeping soundly on the couch with his glasses on.

I was unsure if I should wake Vince up to ask him to move to his room. I didn't know what to do since this is my first time experiencing this type of situation. I kneeled in front of him, appreciating Vince who was peacefully sleeping.

I was supposed to wake him up but I felt my heart beating fast to the point that it was the only thing I heard. I continued to stare at Vince as if he was the most fascinating thing that I ever saw.

How can this man be the rudest person that I've met, but at the same time the most thoughtful one? Ever since he moved in with me, I just noticed that my heart kept on beating fast. Even if it annoys me, when Vince is around I just find myself being the best version of it. He might have those temperamental moments but he's still the smartest and wisest person I know.

"Vince, wake up," I called him with the softest voice that I could, but he seems to be in a deep sleep. As I came up to the conclusion that I should leave him be and get some comforter for him to use and some pillows too. I quietly stood up but before I could leave he grabbed my wrist, and in just seconds I'm in his embrace.

If any normal person would just magically appear in the living room we would look like a couple. His muscular arms wrapped me perfectly, I felt home again as I inhaled his scent the second time today.

"V-Vince.." I couldn't contain the heat that's building on my cheeks, my heart beating rapidly, I can't control anything now.

"Let's stay like this just for a minute." His warm breath instantly gave me shivers.

"Were you awake all this time?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Hmm-hmm," Vince murmured, his eyes still closed. "I was just resting." I felt embarrassed, so he knew that I was staring at him but he didn't stop me?

My breath becomes jagged because every minute that I spend in Vince's embrace I can hear his heartbeat, to top it all off I can freely inhale his scent. My heart is what I can't control as well, it beats so fast that I was afraid that Vince might hear it and it will just double the embarrassment I was feeling.

I didn't know that I just dozed off into Vince's arms. I also felt DaMa climbed on the couch and rested her body at the end making herself comfortable as well. The exhaustion I felt a while ago took over my body. With that, I just involuntary snore.

"Hahaha, cute" What? I think I just heard someone chuckle.

"You always make me happy." I heard and in that exact moment my body fell asleep.


"Give me a damn good reason why we should do this today?! And in the middle of the night? You've got to be kidding me, Sev!" Stephen whisper-yelled at Sev, afraid that he might wake up Sam and Vince if he shouted using his actual voice.

"Because I found her already! My 'the one'! The woman that I choose to settle down with when we grow old. I already found her!!" Sev exaggerated everything that he said.

Colin sighed. "Isn't that what you exactly said last time?"

Harper nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, it's the same thing."

Sev groans, "Why can't you all be excited? Be ecstatic as we venture into the night together!"

'There he goes again', the rest of the gang thought. "And don't waste my effort sneaking all of you out of your houses! It was actually pretty easy, but sneaking Harper out of the White House was the tough one, I became a dog prey!"

"That's the Lord's sign that you shouldn't fucking do it again." Stephen puffed in anger.

"Why? It's fun!!" Sev replied excitedly.

"Why is Ethan taking so long?" Colin sighed impatiently.

"Guys, don't you think this is illegal?" Sev asked curiously.

"Of course, it's fucking illegal!!" The three of them yelled in a whisper.

"Guys!" Ethan called their attention. "I finally have it!" Ethan made his way to the door and swiped the key card which made the door instantly open.

The five of them walked straight in and roamed their eyes around Sam's place. No one bothered to ask how Ethan got a key to Sam and Vince's home.

"We should hang out more at Sam's place." Colin commented as he looked out at the windows observing the nighttime view.

"Let's look for them! There's no time to waste!" Sev whispers to who is about to open one of the rooms.

"There's no need for that, I already found them." Stephen announced, which made everyone look at Sam and Vince, who were soundly sleeping in each other's embrace.

"I'll wake them up." Colin said tiredly.

"Wait!" Sev said and brought out his phone. "I'll take a picture of them first." Sev snapped a photo of Sam and Vince. He inwardly smiled as he found a new thing to tease Sam and Vince with.

"Make it fast! So we can leave already!" Ethan whisper-yelled while seated at one of the couches with DaMa beside him.

But before Colin could even tap Vince's shoulder, his eyes opened, which made Colin startled.

"Fucking bitch." Colin whispers.

"What are you guys fucking doing here?" Vince immediately asks, but Harper just smiled widely at him while Stephen gave him a look. "Are we helping Sev again?"

Harper nodded. "Yup! And get that lazy ass off the couch, and let's go!"

The sudden noise awakened Sam, she opened her eyes and was greeted by Stephen and Harper.

"Good morning!" Harper chirped at Sam.

"What the hell?" She asked and stood up. Sam noticed that her friends were all present. "What are you guys doing here and how did you get in?"

"Science!" Sev replied. "Now, let's go, or the plan wouldn't be successful!"

In just seconds, Sev was out of the door, leaving Sam with questions on her mind.