A Boy Named Ajax

In a remote village named Licht Town, a small blip on the map of the massive Kingdom of Roswell, which in itself is dwarfed by the size of the continent of Lynfeld, a young boy looking to be around the age of 7 sits under an Oak Tree reading by himself near the town church. This is no unusual thing to see near the orphanage run by the clergy of the town, as the boy is well known but not well liked. His name is Ajax, and there are many reasons for the town's stigma against him.

For one thing, his looks allow him to stick out in almost any crowd of the homogenous race of humans in this section of the Kingdom. Most have plain white skin, usually tanned due to the most common occupation being that of a farmer. Brown hair is by far the most common with a few blondies appearing every once in a while. Blue and Brown eyes are also quite common. However, Ajax contradicts all of these, having jet black hair and extremely tanned skin. Though, the most noticeable difference between Ajax and any of his peers is his eyes. They shine a dark ruby, and are well documented for their tendency to have the pupils shrink into slits like that of a snake or lizard whenever he is angry.

This is due to his mixed blood. Nobody knows who his parents are, as he was discovered as a baby in the woods close by to the church by one of the nuns. The only thing anyone knows about is heritage is that he is part human, and part some sort of reptile. Mixed blood is not terribly uncommon in Lynfeld, but it is very common for mixed breeds to perish young. Ajax was one of the lucky few to make it past the first 3 years of his life.

Ajax was well known for his quiet lifestyle. He rarely spoke without being spoken to, his favorite hobbies usually involved that of the scholar, and he actively avoided other children of his age. Most chalked this up to the fact that he is consistently bullied by the other kids at the orphanage because of his looks and lack of enthusiasm for games and mischief that the other boys tend to get themselves into. Ajax had goals in mind, and these goals while requiring a strong mind and focus, did not necessarily require him to make friends with his piers. Ajax wanted to become a mage.

While magic was extremely common in the wide Kingdom of Roswell, mages were extremely rare, as they needed to have the amount of magical power, knowledge, skill, and experience to use wide varieties of spells for multiple different causes. Mages were consistently known for ravaging battlefields and defeating vicious beasts, but also healing the injured and building cities. Ajax had always had an abundance of magical power and sometimes even accidently scared the other occupants of the church with it. When Ajax would get angry, accidents would happen. On the record, windows had shattered, water had frozen solid, and most notably, the podium of the head priest once exploded into flames. Naturally, this led to most of the occupants of the church labeling him as "The Demon Child of Licht".

The only person Ajax consistently talked to was a young priestess simply known as Sister Maria. She had always been kind to Ajax when the others scorned and avoided him, as she was the one that discovered him in the woods 7 years ago. She was perhaps the only real good human connection Ajax had, and he saw her as a mother figure. Even the books Ajax read were basic magic texts that Maria had given him to study. Ajax seemed to possess a strong affinity for fire magic, as it was usually the element he felt connect with him when he meditated under his tree, so Maria would sneak out texts for how to channel fire magic from the Head Priest's private library.

Unfortunately, despite having a notable amount of magical power, Ajax couldn't seem to get a hang of using the magic itself. All of his magical feats were accidents brought on by emotion. He had tried using Fire Magic Arrays and Circles, Fire Magic chants, and even specific hand movements for channeling magic from his magical core, but nothing seemed to work. So here is where the story begins, with an introverted child named Ajax, known for being shunned by his peers, sitting under a tree reading his 20th book on channeling magic, hoping to be sufficient enough in his ability to be chosen to go to a magical academy in the city.