Gina Yulia Atmaja is a beautiful, kind girl. But because of her calm and indifferent attitude, she was always said to be an arrogant girl.

Gina lives alone in her apartment after three years of leaving the residence of her father, who has remarried after divorcing her mother. Her mother lived abroad with her grandfather because Gina wanted to live, so was lived alone.

Every morning Gina goes jogging in the park near her apartment before going to the office.

That morning before she started jogging, his phone was ringing

Drrt drrt drrt

She saw it on a mobile phone screen inscribed with the name of the grandfather, Dirga Sanjaya

"Hello, good morning, grandpa. How's grandpa?" said Gina as soon as she received her call.

"Morning, Grandpa is fine. What about you?"

"I'm fine, too. Did you call me early this morning? I'm just going jogging," asked Gina while walking out of the apartment.

"Look, grandpa wants you to see grandpa's grandson this afternoon. He's a good guy and well established. He had just returned to the U.S. Country, Dirga's grandfather explained.

"Another matchup? To what day grandpa will continue to reunite me with men. I'll find my potential companion soon," replied Gina while massaging her temple.

"You're always your answer. How long are you going to keep going on your own? Ever since you left Riko, you've never been close to any man. Start opening your heart to other men. It's been almost three years since that incident. What else do you want to wait for?"

"Never, there's any need to talk about the past! All right, I'm going to see the man of your choice. I want to see this time what kind of man grandpa chose for me," says Gina with a hint of ridicule.

"This time, you're sure you'll be a good fit. He's mature and handsome. He's also smart and takes it. You won't regret meeting him".

"All right, grandpa, I'll see him later. Now I hang up because I want to go jogging, huh?" asks Gina in a seductive tone to her grandfather.

"All right, grandpa's going to call you again to see if you see him or not," the grandfather says.

"Good grandpa, see you again, bye!"

"It's always a matchmaking. I'm still quite young, only 29 years old. But grandpa's always busy with my matchmaking".

Gina jogs while grumbling with fickle facial expressions. From afar, a man noticed it.

"Cute girl. He ran with such an expression of annoyance.

He smiled in the car as he crossed the girl, turning away for a moment from her laptop on her lap.

"Sir, your grandfather said that an had an appointment with the granddaughter of his friend in the afternoon. He has arranged a restaurant so that you can meet her," said Hendri, the assistant.

"Hmm, well, let's see later. Now let's meet Steve and Mario," he said while returning to stare at his laptop.

"Good master,"

Hendri continues to drive at medium speed to the residence of Mario, one of his employer's friends.

Gina finished jogging back to the apartment with a body full of sweat. When she was about to shower, her phone turned back rang.

Drrt drrt drrt

This time the phone came from a friend who is now abroad

"Hello Gina, how are you?" says Angel, Gina's only good friend

Gina keeps the phone away from her ears

"I'm good, but can you not yell? My fine ears can be deaf instantly because of your screams!" says Gina in a mocking tone.

All right, I'm sorry I'm so excited about missing you! I'm going to visit U.S. State today. Can you pick me up at the airport?"

"You're going to be here? How long have you been here? When did you arrive?" asked Gina so enthusiastically.

"Hey-hey, can you ask one by one? I'll be there in the evening. Maybe you can pick me up at 7 p.m."

"All right, I'll be there. But this afternoon, I have to meet someone first" gina's tone of voice is slightly weakened.

"Huh? Are you going on another blind date? What kind of man this time?"

Angel sounds so enthusiastic.

"Grandpa said he was the grandson of his friend. I don't know what kind of man he is."

"All right, all right. You can see him first and tell me what he's like.

"All right, I'll see you later. I have to get ready for the office.

"Okay, bye"

They end her phone line, and Gina prepares to go to the office.

Once he got to the office, he saw all the employees were quite busy and made him curious

"What's going on? Why does everyone look busy?" asks Gina to one of the office boys

"Manager Gina, tomorrow a new director is coming. He's the grandson of the previous director, and he's also just returned after a long stay abroad," the office boy said.

"Oh so. Thank you"

Gina continues her move towards her room. Because in the beginning pecan, so the job is not too much. Gina just checked a few planning documents. Without feeling the time rolling so fast. Now it's time for him to go home and meet the blind date guy his grandfather had chosen this time.

Drrt drrt drrt

Gina receives the grandfather's call

"Hello Gina, where are you now? Don't tell me you can't come," said the grandfather, who spoke as soon as the call was connected.

"I just arrived, grandpa. This is me looking for him," replied Gina, who had just got out of the car and walked into the restaurant that had been agreed upon

"Oh good then, grandpa turned off the phone" Grandpa Dirga turned off his phone after he finished talking.

"Is this grandpa!"

Gina walked into the restaurant and was seen sitting in a pro in a white suit that was so elegant and so fit in her body with a cup of coffee in her hand

From the way he sits with a strapping body position, he looks takeable and dashing. Her white skin, swollen nose, thin lips and thick eyebrows add to the beautiful feel of the painting.

Gina walks up to him

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Yudha? I'm Gina," greeting Gina when I arrive at Yudha's table.

"This girl is the girl I saw this morning while she was jogging," said Yudha in his heart, smiling and let Gina sit down

"Please sit down first. What do you want?" asked Yudha to Gina and her waving hand signaled to the waiter to approach her.

"I ordered a latte 1," says Gina flat without looking at the menu book first

"Good place to stay"

The waiter left them both

"This man, somehow I feel comfortable and don't have to be vigilant in front of him."