Gina and Angel are still driving around in the mall

"Gin, are you all right?" Angel said worried

"I'm fine. Not to worry" Gina said with a forced smile

"How about we eat something?" Angel suggested trying to comfort Gina

"All right, let's find a restaurant around here."

Gina said yes and they walked to a restaurant not far from where Yudha and his friend were also inside the restaurant

Gina and Angel walked in. When inside, his gaze caught sight of the Yudha sitting on the sofa by the window with his legs crossed and leaning against the sofa. Yudha smiled sweetly at him and nodded his head and then waved at Gina.

Steve and Mario looked back at the guy who was able to make the Yudha wave. They were surprised that Yudha was waving at a girl

"Yudh, who is she? How do you know her?" Mario asked amazement

"That's Gina, the granddaughter of his friend's grandfather" says Yudha in his calm tone

"You mean, she's the one to be jockeyed with you?"

Steve balked and Yudha just nodded his head saying yes

"Gina, look at him waving at you. Do you know each other?" asked the angel who was quite surprised to see Yudha waving at him

"He's the guy grandpa introduced you to yesterday," Gina replied calmly

"Really? You're serious? You're not kidding, are you?" Angel was surprised to wide-eyed

"What's wrong with you? Since when do I joke about men?" asked Gina in amazement at angel's demeanor

"You don't know who he is? You really don't know who these three are?"

Angel squints his eyes and shakes his head repeatedly

"Who does he think he is? I just know he's the grandson of his friend grandpa and the new director of my company now "Gina answered indifferently

"He was a talented young entrepreneur who was so well known abroad. He's also the heir to the Kusuma family. He's known for being cold and hard to touch. He's very good at business.

Angel described it with admiration

"Really? He's that famous? But how come I don't know him at all?" Gina said a little surprised

"That's what you are. You never cared for men. Never mind let's meet them!" asks Angel while pulling Gina's hand and they walk closer to Yudha's table

"Hi, apparently you are here too" Gina said when she arrived at Yudha's table

"Yeah, we haven't met in a long time. So we decided to spend time together" Yudha explained while shifting from her seat for Gina to sit next to her

"Introduce these both my good friends" he said then introduced Steve and Mario

"Hello I'm Steve"

"And I am Mario"

Their word alternates

"Hi, I'm Gina and this is my friend, Angel" Gina introduces herself as well as Angel

"What can I get for you guys?" asked Yudha to Gina while waving to the waitress

"I ordered caramel machiato"

"I ordered a latte"

Gina and Angel order alternates

Steve and Mario keep paying attention to Gina. Yudha is silent just enjoying hers coffee

"Why do you guys just keep looking at me?" asked Gina who felt astonished by Mario and Steve's views on her

"Nothing, just. We wonder, how can you conquer this iceberg with just one meeting?" Steve says in a relaxed tone of speech

Gina turned her head to Yudha who is currently enjoying her coffee as if nothing

The angel kept looking puzzled at Yudha

"The man is totally chill. Even if his own friends say such things in front of him. He's still so indifferent" Angel thought

They all spent time together late into the night

"Did you bring a vehicle?" asked Yudha with his flat face

"I brought my own car. Thank you, but please excuse us "Gina said nonchalantly and began going out with angel leaving the three handsome young men behind

"Gina, what do you think of Mr Yudha?" angel asked when they were already in the car

"Unknown, I don't know. But for some reason, I feel safe around him! Grandpa asked me to marry him right away "Gina would reply, keeping her focus on driving and occasionally looking back at angel

"Good for you. I think he treats you pretty well, too."

Gina winked at the words of angel

"Good enough? You're not wrong? He who was being nonchalant did you say good enough?"

"Yes, Gina, you can't see the way he looks at you. His gaze was soft enough despite his indifference. He's always stealing a glance from you" Angel so enthusiastically tells the story

"I don't know. I don't care."


Meanwhile at Atmaja's residence, Budi atmaja and riska, Gina's stepmother was sitting in the family room watching television

"Good night, mom, dad!" greet Siska for returning after spending time with Riko

"Good night, honey. Where have you been?" riska said to her daughter

"I just came home from the mall with Riko," Siska replied, sitting next to her mother

"Mom, dad, do you know who I was meeting with?"

"Who do you think you've met?"asked Budi to Siska

"I met Gina. We haven't seen her in a long time. I miss her so much. Can we invite her to my engagement party?"

Siska said enthusiastically that it shocked Budi and Riska

"What did you say? You met Gina? Why are you still nice to him after what he did to you? He has tried to harm you and times he tried to vilify you in front of dad" said Budi whose emotions heard his own daughter's name

"Stop mentioning his name to dad! Dad didn't want to hear his name again" Budi said while standing and about to leave them

"But she's also your daughter, and I've forgiven her. Maybe now that you've met her, you can take it back?" Siska begs favor

"Have it your way."

Budi who momentarily stopped his stride is now walking up the stairs to his room

"Siska, what exactly are you planning? Why do you want to invite the damn kid to your engagement party?" asked riska after Budi went up the stairs

"Mom, relax. I won't let them get better. Instead I will make the relationship of father and son even more ruined "she answered with a cunning smile on her face