Gina, Mom Gadis and Grandfather Dirga immediately leave for KUA. Upon arrival there Yudha and his family were also present.

"Turns out you got here first" Grandfather Dirga said with a smile

"It's because we've been impatient to see our grandson this married" sahut Grandmother Julia

"Already, let's get in!" take Grandfather Wijaya

They're all in. Previously Hendri had registered the marriage of Yudha and Gina so they had been waiting for the predecessor

"Is the bride ready?" asked the kua officer who would be serving as their headman

"Already sir. We can start now" replies Grandfather Dirga

Ijab qabul will begin, Grandfather Dirga as guardian of Gina, shook Yudha's hand

"Brother Yudha Arya Kusuma, I married you to my granddaughter Gina yulia atmaja. "With a set of diamonds paid in cash for a set of jewels," Grandpa Dirga said

"I accept the marriage, Gina Yulia Atmaja with the dowry paid in cash" Yudha replied.

Gina kept staring at Yudha during ijab qabul lasted

"Is this man who will bring happiness to me? Is this man who will end all my bitterness all along? Can this guy be a backup for me? In any case I have chosen him. I'm going to try to be the best wife for him!" Gina said inwardly accompanied by a bitty smile and teardrops.

They then signed all the necessary documents.

"We're finally becoming in-laws," said Grandpa Wijaya while hugging him Dirga

"Exactly hahaha"

"Gina, Yudha. Congratulations, we hope you can live happily and through thick and thick together "says Mom Gadis with tears in her eyes.

Everyone congratulates me in turns.

"Yes, now we go back to our house! Because they haven't wanted to find out about their marriage, so we're having a family dinner tonight to celebrate their happiness. We have invited people close to the feast tonight "said Grandpa wijaya

"Let's go!" Grandpa dirga said

"Excuse me, everyone. I just want to be alone with my bride." Says Yudha with his indifference while pulling Gina's hand and leaving everyone there

"Where are we going?" asked Gina who is now in the Yudha car

"We're going to a hotel. I asked Henry to prepare a hotel room for us."

Gina looked down in shame at the words of mark

"Why? Are you ready to accept me yet?" asked Yudha with his flat face

"No. I have chosen you to be my companion. I'll try to be a good, worthy wife to be with you, "Gina answered with a thin smile

Before long the newlyweds arrived at a posh hotel called the grand hotel. This is one of the kusuma family's hotels. Yudha got off the car first and then walked around in the other direction to help Gina get off the car. They're hand-in-hand entering the hotel.

"Good day, Sir. Mistress. Here is your room key Sir "said the manager while pointing a key card. Yudha took the card

"Is everything prepared?"

"Yes, Sir. You've arranged everything according to what Sir Henry has commanded."


Further Yudha goes towards the elevator to go up to his room

"Do you always stay here?" Gina asked doubt-indecisive

"Yes, when I visit this country. I'm always here checking out the hotel" Yudha replied casually, they finally arrive at the 15th floor of the room used by Yudha

"Come in!" he said after opening the bedroom door.

Gina went inside and looked around in her room, and there was a sofa and a television, as well as a small refrigerator. A wide bed with white sheets on the green rose petals and two towels shaped like a heart-shaped swan. By the window there was a small dining table with two chairs. There are two steak plates and two juice glasses with one red rose inside a small flower vase. From the window we can see the whole city

"You're the one who asked someone to get all this ready?" asked Gina, whose eyes began to roll with tears.

She was moved that no one had ever treated her this well before. Even when I was with rico, she was married to a romantic dinner at a restaurant. Just a regular meal.

"Do you like it?" asked Yudha who now stood at the dining table and pulled out the chair for Gina to sit down

"Yes, I love it. Thankyou"

Gina nodded her head, then walked over and sat down on the chair Yudha had thrown down. Mark chops the steak up into small pieces, then gives it to Gina, and he eats the other steak on the plate

"You eat this one. The day after tomorrow, we'll go back to country A"he said while cutting up his steak

"All right," Gina said, chewing her steak.

After they finished eating Yudha and Gina sitting down for a while watching television and talking

"I'm going to shower first," Gina said as she got out of her seat and walked toward the bathroom.

Soon he was out in a bathrobe. Yudha was still on the sofa, he turned to Gina

"Me, me"

Gina looked down embarrassed by playing her robe. Yudha smiled at Gina's adorable antics. He stood up and approached Gina

"Are you so nervous?" seductive Yudha says, Gina's face is getting red.

"I won't force you if you're not ready" says Yudha standing up

"No. It is your right and my duty to serve you, "Gina said, looking at Yudha

Yudha smiles at Gina's words, he approaches and kisses her very tenderly. Though at first Gina was kind of nervous but slowly she began to enjoy her kiss with Yudha Their clothes started lying on the floor. Yudha began their union, he was so surprised when Gina grimaced in pain. Before long Yudha smiles, then says to himself

"This is your first time, too. I promise I'll make you the only girl in my life. I won't let anyone ruin both our happiness"