The next morning Gina woke up at her usual hour, she had tried to get up earlier than the husband. But Yudha always rises first

"Good morning dear" called Yudha when he saw his wife begin to open her eyes

"Good morning. Don't you ever sleep? Why is it always you who wakes up first when I set the alarm for me to get up earlier than you "Gina complained to Yudha while trimling her hair

"Why get up early in the morning. It doesn't matter if you're up early or a little bit early anyway. It makes no difference to me at all "Yudha replied lightly

"It doesn't matter, but at least as a wife I can prepare your affairs."

"Honey, it doesn't matter at all. Besides, you're always making breakfast even though I'm getting up early. So there's no need to make this a big deal. Okay?" clearly Yudha very gently

"Yes, I will not make this a big deal again. Honey, what time does the party start? Henry seems to be so busy preparing for the event that we haven't seen him for a few days."

Gina shifted their conversation, but Yudha was surprised enough to shut her up for a moment. Not because he was jealous because Gina asked Henry but because of the love that Gina spoke. It makes Yudha's heart go off

"Honey? Sounds good in the ears "thought Yudha before answering Gina's question

"The party will start at noon. So we have plenty of time to prepare.

"Well, we can relax a little before the party starts."


In place of Riko, he's making a call to siska to see if she can come to the Yudha's event

"Hello siska, can you come with me to a party set up by the kusuma company?" asked Riko as soon as siska received her call

"Of course, and it just so happens that they have invited me in person" responded siska in a mild tone of voice

"That's a good thing. I'll come by your house later to pick you up."

"Yes, Riko. I'll be waiting for you. See you later"

Siska and Riko ended their call

"Is Riko taking you to the party?" riska asked as soon as his daughter had finished calling

"Of course, mom. News of our engagement has gone wide. It is unlikely that she would come alone to the party "siska answered in a very proud tone of voice

"Mom, I have to go to the parlor before Riko comes to pick me up. "She says as she grabs her bag and kisses her mother's right and left cheek

"Okay, honey. Watch out!"

"Yes, ma. See you later!"

Siska waved her hand and left her mother to do her preparations at the parlor. Siska spends a long time preparing for her at the shop until it is hardly noon

"Miss, it's over. You look very pretty."

The shop workers praise siska after her makeover. It wasn't much different after all, because siska had become used to her figure makeup on her face, and the dress she was wearing now looked different

"Really? Thank you for the compliment."

Siska smiled brightly after receiving compliments from the shop worker. Then siska gives her credit card to pay for the salon fee.

"Here's your credit card, miss. Thankyou"

The parlor workers give back siska's credit card after each transaction

"You're welcome. Then I'll go now. I can be late for the party later"

Siska gets out of her seat and leaves, gets out of the shop

"Yes, miss. Please come again! "Yelled one of the parlor employees who dropped siskas out of the shop.

Siska drove back to atmaja's family in her car. I have rico waiting for her to go to a party

"Rico, have you been waiting long?" asked siska as soon as she came home and saw rico sitting in a chair in the service of her father

"Siska, what's taking you so long? Rico has been waiting here for you!" ask Budi gently to the daughter

"I'm sorry the parlor was full, so I had to wait until my turn came in. Sorry, rico." Siska said to her contrite face and then turned to rico

"It's okay. We still have time anyway. So just calm down! Too bad you're so pretty. I'm sure you'll be the prettiest girl at the party!"

Rico caresses the delicate cheek of siska. Then attention to siska's appearance and praise her

"Don't talk like that, I'm embarrassed. There must be many guests from both celebrities and businessmen. "Siska says with a blush face then look down.

"No matter how beautiful they are, you're the prettiest to me"

The silks of Riko make Siska even more blush

"Yes, stop flirting. Hurry up and go now!" Budi interrupted between the two of them

"But, dad, when is papa coming back from duty?" Siska asked the lady with a curious face

"Daddy has just arrived. Daddy would not miss this important day for his daughter "Budi said affectionately while slightly pinching Siska's nose.

His behavior was never shown to Gina again after siska and her mother went into atmaja's house

"Thanks, dad. Me and rico go first. We'll be late for the party."

"All right, you be careful"

"Yes, bye dad"

"Excuse us, uncle."

Siska and Riko set off after Budi nodding their heads


Gina and Yudha are getting ready too. Mark chose Gina's light blue dress, but she had one problem with it. The model that used a small rope on her shoulder shows the scar on Gina's shoulder. Yudha looks at his wife standing in front of the mirror

"What's up, baby? We're going to the party, but why does your face look so unhappy?" asked Yudha standing behind Gina with his hands around her waist

"Look at his scars. It bothers me at all when wearing a dress. I'd better pick out another dress." Gina with a sad face pointed to a scar on her shoulder then was about to turn around and change another dress, but mark was holding her back

"You look so pretty in this dress, you don't have to change it. I've prepared this to cover the scar on your shoulder."

Yudha says very gently then he takes a large flower brooch that matches the color of Gina's dress and PLS it himself to cover the scar on her shoulder

"Look, the scar on your shoulder is no longer visible, so there's no need to be sad. You simply see this scar as the end of your grief. For I will always try to make you happy and do my best for you."

Yudha's words came back to soften Gina. She hugged Yudha and said very softly

"Thank you, my husband."