Siska looked at Gina angrily, and accidentally their eyes met. Gina also paid attention to intense eyes. Gina kept staring at siska as she walked. Yudha also noticed that his wife was only looking in one direction at which both Siska and Riko were sitting. Even he understands how his wife feels. Yudha stroked gently at Gina's hand. Until Gina changed her focus on Yudha

"You don't have to worry about them, just enjoy the day" says Yudha calmly and keep your eyes fixed on the front.

Gina smiled in response to Yudha's words

"Sure. This is your party. I will definitely enjoy it with pleasure "Gina answered to Yudha.

They sat at the front desk where Steve and Mario had been sitting first, and Yudha pulled out the next seat for Gina to sit in. Of course it makes all the female guests look envious at Gina. But this couple totally ignored him

"Did you come last to steal all the attention from a guest?" Steve teased Yudha with his very calm tone

"Of course. As today's main star I should be the center of attention at my own feast " Yudha says very calm but his voice is full of pride, so that Mario and Steve would sneer at the same time

"Cih is really overconfident. It's not like you're the main star right now, it's your wife. Look towards the guests"

Mario pointed with his chin raised as a clue. Yudha, too, follows the direction that Mario points, he turns to the visitors, and it turns out that they are looking at Gina with an amused look. Suddenly it made the mood Yudha deteriorate and his eyes turned creepy full of intimidating. Men who noticed Yudha's killing gaze quickly took his eyes away from her.

Events began. Yudha in the call came forward to give a little welcome as well as a sign that this party is about to begin

"Thanks in advance to all kusuma group employees who have dedicated their efforts and abilities to the advancement of this company. And to our models who have willingly cooperated to promote every product you bring out. I'm also grateful, of course, to the vendors and other business partners who have been willing to work together and trust this company. Since I'm new here and don't know anything, I'm asking everyone for help. I don't want to say the length anymore. So everyone can enjoy the party, we better get started. A round of applause for all of us. Thankyou"

Yudha ended his words and returned with the microphone in the hands of the host and then sat back down next to Gina and his two best friends

"Excuse me to go to the toilet first!" Gina said to mark and after she got his permission from mark.

Gina stood up and stepped back to go to the bathroom, but siska held her down when Gina was not far from siska's desk

"Sister Gina, you're very pretty today. I didn't expect sis Gina to be so close to your own boss. Hasn't he arrived in the country recently? How can you be close to him when you're just a casual observer?"

Siska smiled when she thought that she had got Gina in a corner

"Oh, it's because of my new project, so the director knows me. If you want the director to know you then you should also show your performance in front of him. Don't just put on your looks "Gina replied calmly and her nonchalant smile, since she was known for being cool and nonchalant.

Almost the same as all Yudha who wanted to corner Gina was unable to say anything to hear Gina's answer

"Excuse me, I have to go to the toilet first!"

"Wait, sis!"


Siska pried Gina's hand and gave a nudge to the next person holding the glass of juice, so her gown was cut by the receiver of juice.

"Sorry sister, I didn't mean it. Let me clean it! Sorry sorry" Siska apologized with a remorseful face and kept his hands wiping off Gina's dirty dress with a tissue set on the table. Gina just shut up and then smiled

"Stop it!"

"Sorry sister, don't get angry, let me clean up!"

"Stop it!" Gina was still speaking calmly and ina low voice

"I'm really sorry sister!" Siska still does Gina's laundry even though she told him to stop

"I said stop it, I'm not asking you to clean it up!" Enacting Gina began to raise her voice and stare at siska with a keen gaze. Everyone began to look at them after hearing Gina's shout

"I didn't do it on purpose, I just wanted to talk to you, but you ignored me, hiks, hiks"

Siska began her act to win the sympathy of many. Gina just smiled in response to siska.

"Gina, stop it!"

Riko walks from behind the crowd to weeping siska

"Why do you take so much pleasure in making a fuss? You always try to get everyone's attention. Same now. Can't you just once not create a problem with siska? "The rico immediately blamed Gina when she saw siska crying

"Aren't you wrong to blame people, huh? Ask your girlfriend who's causing trouble and looking for a fight!" Gina said sarcastically

"Riko, don't blame sister. It's my fault sister's expensive dress got dirty" Siska said that on purpose so that everyone assumed that Gina was upset because her dress had got a juice

"Whatever you want to say! It's your own business" Gina ignored him and turned to leave

"If you still hate siska because I chose her over you, then I ask your forgiveness. It's all my fault not siska's fault"

Gina stopped her step and smiled ina sneer

"There you go again. That doesn't mean anything to me anymore. You can live happily together if you like. I'm not at all concerned with your togetherness"Gina so calmly replies to Riko with crossed hands on chest

"Will you please stop talking about it? It was a long time ago and I think you guys just hurt my ears hearing it! Am I free to go now?"

"If that doesn't matter to you at all, why do you still hate siska?"

Riko's question made Gina look her in the eye

"To forget is not to forgive. It doesn't matter to me but I still can't forget every single pain you've caused me. Do you think I could forgive my stepsister for stealing my love and the love of my family? I'm sorry, but I'm not an angel who just forgives people's mistakes. If you want to be happy, then be happy but don't come in front of me. I'm sick of your faces!"

"Gina, you are too much!" Riko is shouting at Gina

"What's more outrageous? Me or you? If you want nothing to do with me then stay away from me!"