Yudha and Gina walked down the city streets holding hands after the restaurant. Yudha's face was still moping after Gina's meeting, don't know what he was thinking. Gina too noticed that there was something wrong with her husband's attitude. Gina stopped walking and stood right in front of Yudha, she held Yudha's hand and looked up slightly at Yudha. Because the Yudha's height was nearly 185 cm while he was only 165cm. Even though she was wearing heels there was still a height difference between them.

"Honey, did something happen? Why do you look so glum?"

Yudha noticed it closely before he gave out his hoarse voice

"Want to go on a date with me?"

Yudha looked at her intently but tenderly. Gina blushed at Yudha

"What happened? Why ask me out on a date all of a sudden?"

Gina looks confused, unusual on Yudha behaving like this, he's considerate but he's not into crowds.