Yudha was always next to Gina who still woke up after surgery.

"Grandpa, grandma, mom. You guys go home first. I'll stay here with Gina. You must be exhausted since yesterday. You should rest up." Yudha had returned to his calm nature and politely asked the others to go home and rest

"Let the mother who is here waiting for Gina, you go home first, rest even if for a minute. You look so tired." Gadis tenderly spoke to her son-in-law

"No, mom. I'm not leaving her. I'll be with her until she wakes up." Yudha says looking at lying Gina

"Well we're leaving and we'll be back here tomorrow. I'll have Henry bring you a change of clothes and food" Grandpa Wijaya said before leaving

"We go first, you take care of your health. Don't be too tired. Gina won't be happy to see you sick when she wakes up!" Grandpa Dirga said and tapped Yudha on the shoulder

"Yes, Grandpa. Grandpa stay calm" Yudha smiled and nodded his head.