The next day Dinata's Company was busy preparing lunches for business people. The invitations are extend. Most prominent businesspeople were invited to the luncheon. Including Yudha of Kusuma Company. Sanjaya's company was represented by Nadia because as far as they knew, it was Nadia who held the power over the company. Gina's still hiding her real identity from them, because she doesn't want to mess with those nasty little suckers.

"Honey, would you like to go with me to the luncheon? Because your company, nadia and Jimmy went there, right? So no one seems to recognize you as heir to the Sanjaya family."

"Not this time, dear. They invite you on their own accord, if I come with you, then their plan to get you close to their daughter, it will automatically fail dear. So let's play along for the ride, shall we? It's not the end of their family, anyway. I'll show myself to you when Jimmy gets his things back. How?"