Ji's eyes start to glaze — the glass receives Ed's treatment that is so sweet to him.

"Sunshine, until when are you going to let me kneel like this? Come on answering my proposal. Are you willing to be my wife?"

Ji still doesn't talk, but now tears are starting to drip from her eyes.

Ji nodded his head slowly and said.

"Yes, I want Ed"

A smile accompanied by tears accompanied Ji's sense of happiness. Ed even ended up pinning the ring on Ji's ring finger. While gently kissing the ring that was on Ji's finger, he said.

"Thank you sunshine. I'm so happy today. We'll go home to country A to see my parents as well as your parents. We'll be discussing our marriage soon. I don't want to wait any longer" Ed stood up and hugged Ji tightly.


While at Emili's place, she was at odds with his stepmother, Sandra

"Emili, later Bayu Indrayasa's family will come to dinner. You have to get home on time"