The next day the car Bi ordered was delivered directly to Ji's apartment. Bi contacted him to make sure that the car arrived there without being scratched at all

"Hello Ji, I have ordered the car you want, and asked the dealer to send it to your apartment. What is the car got there?"

"I don't know. I don't know yet!"

Ting nong ting nong

Someone pressed the doorbell of Ji's apartment

"Wait Bi, looks like there's a guest"


Ji opened the door and saw 2 men standing there. One person is dressed as a courier complete with a hat and the other is neatly dressed in a shirt and tie

"Excuse me, is this where Miss Orange lives?" Said the guy wearing a tie as soon as he saw Ji open the door

"Right. What do you need?"

"We are officers from the official Sukajaya car dealer. We are here to deliver the car ordered by Mr. Biru on behalf of Mrs. Jingga"

"Oh, please come in first, let's talk inside!" Ji let the 2 people in.