On a remote island in country A. Ed begins to swim to the shore after adrift for several hours in the blue sea with a petrified suitcase adrift.

"Help! help"

His voice was so low, it was almost inaudible. Ed barely had any strength, his body was limp, his throat was dry. His voice seemed to be missing from his throat. Finally, he lost consciousness again

"Look at that, there's someone lying on the beach!" Shouted a fisherman who saw Ed was unconscious on the sand, with a wet body and wounds all over his body.

"Right, let's see him, is he still alive or not?"

Several fishermen immediately ran to Ed who was unconscious. They turned Ed's body to see him

"Do any of you know this man?" Ask the fisherman who first found Ed, his name is Paul. The fishermen looked at each other than shook their heads